MAC Angel Dupes

by Mallika Dharmani
3 minutes read

MAC Angel  Dupes : Hey guys, we did a Monday poll sometime back and some of you wanted to have more nude lipstick dupes. So this one is dedicated to all you nude lovers.

The lipstick that I have for you today is one of Macs cult favorite and is made popular by Kim Kardashian herself. Half of the times you see her she will have this shade on. Yes it’s MAC’S ANGEL that we are talking about today. A very nude pink ever so light and beautiful. Now let’s see if we have the perfect dupes for it.

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MAC Angel vs Maybelline Born With It

So what if you aren’t born with it?? You can grab a Maybelline and get the look. For me this is the PERFECT DUPE of angel.

The best buy for less than half the price and easily available both online and in stores for just $7.

It comes with a fine texture and doesn’t dry out your lips. A perfect one to team up with smoky eyes. Tempted already??? Wait till you try it on 🙂

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Image Credit : glamradar

MAC Angel vs NYX Sky Pink

A very rare medium pink pretty much similar to Mac angel. Of course the texture is creamy like any other NYX lipstick and hence it stays for only 4 hours. You can always reapply it after that. The price difference is huge as NYX costs only $6.

If we talk about the color NYX is a tad darker but the difference is hardly noticeable.

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Image Credit : pinterest

MAC Angel vs Wet And Wild Think Pink

 Ahan another dupe that’s really cheap and good. Nice texture love the feel love the color and love the price even more. Colour difference??? Not really!

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Image Credit : mydiytifullife

MAC Angel vs Elf Classy

The price of this dupe is a little steep than the other dupes but still pretty manageable. Colour is totally on point. No difference between the two. I have compared quite a few swatches and you can never tell which is which.

MAC Angel Dupes

Image Credit : pinterest

MAC Angel vs Loreal Tempting Lilac

Another very close dupe .the only difference is that L’Oreal is a tad more on the pink side, slightly more pigmented and also has a teeny weeny shine which goes away overtime. Definitely more moisturizing than MAC.

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Image Credit : lovelygirlybits

MAC Angel vs  Revlon Prim Rose

More pigmented than Mac and like I always say Revlon suits Indian tone lips Way better. Colour is not as similar as all the other dupes but pretty close. I think Revlon has a slight shimmery shade to it whereas Mac is less shiny. Except than there’s not much difference between the two. Personally I think REVLON PINK POUT would be a better option.

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Image Credit :pinterest

MAC Angel vs Maybelline Colour Whisper Lust For Blush

While people think MAYBELLINE’S Born with it is the PERFECT dupe I think lust for blush is another dupe that’s on point. Again I can say safely that I had a hard time telling them apart. If it wasn’t for the texture I would have never been able to differentiate between the swatches.

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Who would have thought ANGEL was not only duped but BADLY DUPED 😛

It’s like every brand has managed to master the Angel look…

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Time to try on the all time favorite Kardashian’s look 🙂

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