MAC Honey Love Dupes

by Mallika Dharmani
2 minutes read

MAC Honey Love Dupes: Hey, all you beauties. I’m back again after a long time with a very pretty lipstick’s dupes. Today I have a shade which is neither a nude nor a pink but somewhere in between. The trouble with nudes is that a lot of people don’t know the nude that would work for them or whether the nudes are meant for them at all because most of the nudes just make your face look so colorless! Mac honey love could be your one stop for the perfect nude – a beige undertone lippie with a dash of pink!

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MAC HoneyLove vs.  Wet N Wild Fergie Daily

The color looks a tad pinker and slightly less pigmented but on lips, it’s on point.

Extra marks to this lippie for its super economical price of just $3.

It comes with a crème finish instead of the matte finish of Mac but nonetheless, it hardly shows up.

It’s a 10/10!

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Image Credit: Pinterest

MAC HoneyLove vs.   Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate #14

Rimmel might look really different in the swatch but on the lips, the color looks pretty much the same.

It’s slightly matte in texture and less pigmented.

It comes at an affordable price of just ($5)

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Image Credit: thehappysloths

MAC HoneyLove vs.  L’Oreal Colour Riche in Fairest Nude

The reason why this shade might suit some people better than Mac is not only because of its price but mainly because of its texture which is very flattering as it is much more comfortable to wear. I think it has more pink tones to it too.

The price is a bit steep compared to the rest of the dupes but still for $9 it’s totally worth it!

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Image Credit: Pinterest

Dupes are very impressing for this one – lucky us!

MAC honey love dupes

Image Credit: gipsy

Honey love’s dupes just might be the perfect summer love for you 🙂

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Gargi Niyogi October 21, 2017 - 8:49 PM

Really liked that loreal shade 🙂 pretttyyy

Teresa Powell March 9, 2023 - 6:16 AM

What color is the L’Oréal pink lipstick or number?
