Marigold Naturals Almond Blush Review

by Sone
1 minutes read

What is it and who is it for? Marigold Naturals Almond Blush is A mild nourishing and exfoliating scrub.Marigold Naturals Almond Blush Review 4


Rs. 540 for 100gm

My Experience with Marigold Naturals Almond Blush

I just love the packaging of Marigold Naturals ubtans. They look classy AND are sturdy! This ubtan is a fine ground almond like powder. The most enchanting thing about is its fragrance.

To me, the fragrance reminds me of the sooji kheer, with almonds that my mother used to make sometimes in the evenings before we went out to play. Aka it illicit very happy memories and instantly puts me in a joyous mood.;)

Marigold Naturals Almond Blush Review 3

I use the scrub as directed by mixing it in milk. While preparing it for my mother, I put a couple of drops of apricot oil to make it extra moisturizing. In my experience applying a thick layer of this ubtan is more effective than applying a thin layer. That ways the ubtan mask does not dry immediately and I can nourish my skin with almond goodness for a little while longer.

If in case, my primary purpose is to mildly exfoliate my skin only, I apply a thin layer and gently rub it off after 2 minutes.

My skin feels clean and nourished after applying it and till date, I have not experienced any dryness after using this ubtan scrub. To me, this is a stellar product that will really suit all skin types.

  1. Smells amazing
  2. A nice and mild exfoliator
  3. Great for dry/mature skinned ladies
  4. Does not irritate skin-I feel people with even sensitive skin types can safely use this
  5. Good Packaging
  1. None!!
Overall Would I repurchase and recommend?

Especially recommended for dry and mature skinned ladies. This product is a natural treat!!

GlossyPolish Verdict



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Ria Rajendran July 20, 2016 - 9:59 AM

Looks like an amazing product! 🙂 Another natural Skincare brand cant wait to explore!! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

Sone July 20, 2016 - 10:00 AM

Thanks for the lovely comment Ria :* 🙂
