My Skin care routine Steps : This has been requested by so many of you! In this article, I will share the basics of skincare that I follow and apply daily. It has worked well for me and I feel, if you follow it diligently, you will see a huge difference in your skin too! I am sure plenty of us are already aware of how to use our daily skincare products. For those of you who need this guide …please do read on! Here I will put up in a very simple manner, how and when to use what skin care products, AM and PM both!! 🙂
#Make up Remover
Always, always use a makeup remover to remove your makeup. Cleansing balm, micellar water…whatever..but take your makeup off like a pro. There are NO EXCUSES!!
# Face Wash
After removing your makeup, use the face wash of your choice. Leave it on for 10 seconds to do its job. When I say face wash, I mean the entire face, neck, near your ears, and the forehead -properly. Vigorously rubbing your cheeks and nose and calling it to face washing is not done 😛 I used to get acne earlier and I switched to the Sebamed facewash which is super gentle.
Within 30 seconds max..yes…as quickly as possible after face wash use the toner of your choice. If you have dry skin, use a spray on hydrating toner, the ones with hyaluronic acid are the best.
If you are having acne-prone skin, most likely you will be using an acid-base pore cleansing toner. Get the best quality soft cotton pads that you can get in the market. I buy my pack from forever21 because its like dirt cheap there. Pour a bit of toner on the cotton pad …and very gently move it clockwise direction on your entire face. Always remember to use it ONLY in one direction. Otherwise, you will damage your skin. Apply it carefully to the nose, the nose joints, temples, take it down your neck, and even use it on your ears!I use toners by Alpha H or Body shop and even pixie and am Loving it 🙂
As a rule of thumb, the thinnest skincare product goes on first followed by the thicker versions. So serums go immediately within 20 seconds of applying the toner. Again cover the entire face and neck. Apply in circular motions till it gets absorbed.Choose one that suits you well. In winters I have been using this squalene serum.
#Eye Cream
The eye cream comes just next after the serum but before the moisturizer. Take a little bit on your index finger and rub it gently in circular motions. If you want to get rid of dark circles, try THIS DIY dark circle removal cream.I am currently using this one by Pixi.
Never skip on moisturizer. It keeps your skin healthy. The one thing that people with oily skin do is not moisturize their skin. They think that it will make their skin oily. What they don’t realize is that skin has its own natural mechanism. If it feels dry it produces more oil. So if you skip moisturizer, you risk raising the wrong kind of oil production.
Again don’t skip your neck!Look at Aishwarya, she has such a pretty face…but her neck looks really aged! You don’t want that!
Obviously, to be used only during daytime 🙂 The sunscreen goes on last…over EVERYTHING else ! Apply it liberally over face and neck. I suggest you reapply it every 2 hours for maximum protection!
I hope you find my post useful!!
Take care, stay beautiful!! <3
Drop down below any skincare questions that you may have 🙂
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I have too many questions. Firstly, something for terrible dandruff because of which my hair falls in lumps and because of which I had to chop off my really long hair. Next, for pores on the cheeks. I have heard about the derma rollers but not sure whether it works..Thanks in advance..
Smriti FE used to make a really awesome rose shampoo that would have solved your problem in two washes. I will comeup with a detailed article on dandruff remedies by next week promise 🙂 :*
Thank you mam.
I too have facial pore related questions like Smriti.. Please suggest something..
This post was awesome. I learnt a lot of things like when and how to apply toner and sunscreen etc..
Thanks for such a nice post.. Please do posts like this more :love
Thank you Sreeparna!!
I personally do one thing. Every week take steam with some water with two drops of tea tree oil and one drop of bergamot oil in it. Then once you have done steaming, don’t wipe your face. Apply a good nose strip on nose and a clay mask on rest of the face. Once both are dried wash your face off. I tehn apply an astringent toner on my nose and apply a thick coat of lacto calamine on the nose. On the rest of the face apply a hydrating mask. 20 minutes. Wipe both off…your ores will slowly start disappearing. Never skip a toner AM PM daily! Hope it helped 🙂 Also I will be putting up some pore diys which you will love xo :love
Thanks for sharing.. :rose: 🙂
I will try it tomorrow. It will will help me to get glowing skin for this season’s last wedding on next sunday!!
all the ebst :haanji B-)
Mam would love to see more posts from you , this one so informative . PLEASE SUGGEST SOMETHING FOR HAIR THINNING , I HAVE MAJOR OILY DANDRUFF ISSUES. NO MATTER WHAT I DO AFTER 3 DAYS IT THE SAME! ??
uh oh..!Try the apple cider vinegar rinse…but more importantly change your shampoo asap and just stop using a hair conditioner. Its really bad for ur hair. If at all you want to use a conditioner apply it on your hair 1-15 minutes BEFORE your hair wash and wash it off. Avoid using very hot water in your hair . Switch a mild natural shampoo, dilute it with water and then apply in your scalp. Wash your hair every 3 days.
Hope this helps 🙂 :love
Great article on skin care routine :rose: :love can you please suggest me any product to get rid of acne scars and to get super hydrated glowing smooth skin ?
For acne scars use this:
Oh my god!! I just stumbled upon ur blog while searching for sme review(i dnt even remember now whcih one) and i ve been binge reading ur articles!! I ve alwys been confused abt wat goes on first and last in the skin care routine especially at night..i ve a ques though,i use vit c serum and also an orgainc oil based serum so wat should be the steps l..first the toner ,thn the vit c and thn the oil serum? Plz help m confused as hell!!
Hii mam I have a dark circles problem nd my face nd neck becoming dark wt I should do plzz say