Home Style Dum Aloo Recipe: Hello Ladies!!I have come today with a really Simple Dum Aloo Recipe. Mandatory disclaimer though 😛 This may not be the traditional method of cooking this dish…but oh by lord..it is every one bit yummy!! Super simple and easy to make. It hardly takes half and hour from start to finish-but is simply delectable. You will feel how this humble potato is greatly elevated.
Err…have I been singing too many praises? Please forgive me..too much mouth watering going on . I clicked these pics last week…and I want to eat this dish again now 😛
The recipe I am mentioning here serves 4. Feel free to adjust the amounts to suit your needs .
So here goes :
Ingredients required to Make Simple Dum Aloo :
- Baby Potatoes 1/2 kg
- 1 large Onion Finely Sliced
- 3-4 Green Cardamom Whole
- 2-3 Cloves
- A tea spoon of Saunf or Fennel Seeds (You may also use the Fennel Powder-Half a teaspoon in this case)
6-7 Black Peppercorns
1 teaspoon of Poppy Seeds or Khus Khus (My personal taste )
A small stick of cinnamon (optional)
Regular Vegetable oil to fry
A large cup of fresh Yogurt
1/4 spoon Besan/ Gram Flour (again a personal choice)
Kashmiri Red Chili Powder (You can also soak 3-4 of the chilis and make a fresh paste if you want ;I cheat 😉 😛 )

Just Saying : Look at the Color Difference -Left one is Kashmiri Red Chili Powder (both are from the same Brand )
Method of Preparing Simple Dum Aloo :
Boil the Baby Potatoes.
Prick them with a fork.Shallow fry them.Make sure,the oil is not too much . The same oil will be used to cook the gravy too 🙂
Once the potato is fried,in the same oil…add fennel seeds,cinnamon,cloves ,black peppercorn and poppy seeds. Let these spices render their oils.
Next add the onions and let them fry.
Meanwhile,mix the red chili powder and salt in yogurt. Before adding the yogurt add the gram flour and cook it well.
Next,add the yogurt .I add the potatoes too together. Cook on high till one boil comes,then lower the heat and let the gravy simmer.
It will be perfectly cooked in 10 minutes.
I suggest you serve it with steamed rice. It tastes nice with chapatis too . It is a very delicately fragrant dish,i am sure you will enjoy it 😀
I tried it yesterday night itself aa d ingredients are easily available..n believe me it is yum
great:) 🙂