Skin Whitening Tips

by Nikhita Ferreira
1 minutes read

Skin Whitening Tips :Over the past few years, skin whitening has been quite a controversial topic. There have been products launched in the market that promise fairness over a few weeks. Some part of the market has been against it as one should accept their skin tone and not view it as a negative.

Skin whitening is basically lightening the complexion beyond the natural skin tone. And that can be harmful. Using creams and procedures for this is not recommended….but there are a lot of home remedies that will lighten the skin tone and give it a glow.

I’m going to help you’ll with a few..

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  • Lemon Juice

Pure lemon juice can be very strong for the skin…so, it is best that you add water and lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio and dab it with a cotton pad. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes and then wahs it off completely. Lemon juice has properties that mildly bleach the skin and exfoliate the top layer.

  • Tomato

This is great for removing a tan and sun burns. Mix 1-2 tomatoes with lemon juice and gram flour, make a paste and apply before a shower.

  • Exfoliate

Exfoliation is a great way to lighten the skin tone. It can be done twice a week. For the face, crushed almonds or oatmeal works well. Move in it circular motions on wet skin. This will remove the dead cells and will give the skin a refreshed look.

Apart from these tried and tested remedies, one can opt for chemical treatments and cream if they wish to.


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1 comment

Nahid Akhter January 5, 2019 - 10:36 AM

Thanks Nikhita for publishing this type of nice tips…
Your tips are very helpful for all…
I hope you keep posting this type of article…
Thanks again…
