Wishing You a Very Happy Lohri !!

Did you know the significance of this festival? It signifies the end of winter! This is considered the coldest day of winter, the one with the shortest day and longest night. After this day, the arrival of spring is awaited eagerly.A huge bonfire is lit. Food is put into this fire as the flames of fire are the messengers to Sun! People pray for warm days ahead and a good harvest.

During this long night, people from the entire neighborhood gather together. There is lots of music, pomp and show!! Beautifully decked ladies dance around the fire. The whole atmosphere is that of celebration.The bright flames of the bonfire, the sweet scent of gajak and the popping corn kernels and peanuts!! This is one experience, that is not to be missed!

This festival is similar to the Halloween festival of the west. Both involve “Sundar Mundariye” or “Trick or Treat”. Both these festivals have their signature delicacies-the Rewari and Gajak or Pumpkin Jack-o-Lantern and Sweets! Finally, there is the superstition/legend involved. Here too, there is the legend of Dulla Bhatti. He was a really cool dude actually-the Indian Robin Hood 🙂 The custom of giving sweets and money to children; is to honor his generosity!

Wishing all of you a very Happy Lohri!! Have great fun tonight. Make sure you visit your neighborhood bonfire. If not, curl in your blankets and munch on sweet gajak, with hot milk!!  Pure Bliss.. 😀


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Smriti January 13, 2018 - 3:16 PM
Wohoooo. Happy lohri. Here, in Karnataka, it is called "sankranti" where the first harvest is dedicated to the sun god
Meghal January 13, 2018 - 3:22 PM
Happy Lohri ?
Sreeparna Ganguly January 14, 2018 - 11:35 AM
Happy Lohri to all :balleballe Here in West Bengal, we also celebrate Sankranti. We make rice flour sweets at home and enjoy with family and friends.
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