What Should You keep in Your Handbag?

by Sone
6 minutes read

What Should You keep in Your Handbag? : Who is a girl’s best friend? Trust me is her Hand Bag. Why else do you think, we spend so much time and energy; looking for the best one! 😉  We girls carry our world in our bags…actually it’s quite a mystery for all the guys: D

At the risk of exposing our brilliance and in hopes, we all are indeed well prepared. I present to you, the list of 15 things a girl MUST carry in her bag!  Feel free to add your own  🙂

#1 Money

Yes, Money. It is a duh. I know, I know. But honestly, I cannot tell the number of times I have forgotten my wallet. I carried my purse, my sunglasses, and even movie ticket stubs. But I had no money. Epic Fail it was I tell you! My advice, please keep a couple of money bills stashed away in the purse. Even if you don’t have the wallet, you can survive! Actually keep a chip-based card too, for good measure. You never know, when a sale is going on. You cannot afford to lose THAT opportunity : P

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Image Credit: Pinterest

#2  Kohl

You can win wars with Kohl I tell you.A  girl with highlighted eyes can entice the world with her beauty. She can also kill a Mockingbird,with the same eyes 😉 It is a humble and much-underrated product. It will instantly perk up your look and make you feel confident. The best part is, you don’t look made up. More on the virtues of Kohl here!

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Image Credit: Treasurable

#3 Perfume

A lady always smells great! It is such a confidence booster to know you are well groomed and you smell great. You have been working hard all day in office, or shopping all day or simply roaming about. Spray on a perfume and you are fresh like a daisy. I personally recommend, keeping perfume samples in your bag. They are tiny and offer great variety!

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Image CCredit:H eather’s Sweets

# 4 Mints

Ahem…smelling good all around. Breath mints make you feel fresh. They are also yummy! Actually, I suggest keeping a minty gum in your bag. It keeps your teeth clean. Plus it’s a good time pass and keeps hunger pangs at bay, for a while 😛 Avoid bubble gums though..Unless they are mint flavored!

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Image Credit: Pinterest

#5 A Bottle of Water

Again a no-brainer! You should never go thirsty, not because you forgot to carry water. Water is very versatile. Use it to wash your face, hands ..Or rinse your mouth. What if you are stuck in a place where you don’t get water. The water bottle in malls these days, cost triples their MRP sometimes. Thieves I tell you!

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Image Credit: Loren’s world

#6 Energy Bar

Please always carry an energy bar or a small cookie box in your purse. Water and food are basic reinforcements. No matter where you are stuck, they come to your rescue. I remember being in a long office meeting. It kept dragging on for ages, and I was literally dying of hunger. I excused myself.W ent in the hallway, and wolfed down an entire bar of chocolate in like 30 seconds flat. Fastest energy bar eating record!!  Anybody listening 😛

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Image Credit: Pinterest

# 7 Face Mist

This is an amazing invention. Just carry a small spray bottle with rose water in it. It will not only refresh you but will give your face a glow like no other! It also soothes your irritated or sunburnt skin. Try this next time you go shopping. Just whip out this tiny bottle and spray on instant freshness!

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Image Credit: Loren’s World

#8 Pressed Powder

This one is a double bonanza. First, it can quickly give you and even out complexion. And if you don’t like using any base on your face, it still is a good sop. The major brownie points go to the mirror. I mean, come on 😛  what would we do without a mirror! No wonder snow white’s step mother was obsessed with one:p

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Image credit: Raincouver Beauty

#9 All Purpose Cream

Give your skin instant relief. If your hands are feeling dry, dab it on. Dab it on your likes for moisturization. You can even use it as a highlighter. Just dab a  bit on the brow bone, nose and apples of your cheeks. It gives a wonderful glow.

#10  Cream Blush

Everyone needs a pop of color! Just put on the apple of your cheeks and look all rosy. It also doubles up as a lip color. So on your cheeks, or your lips. This magic pot is sure to make you look all healthily flushed.

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Image Credit: CityUrb

#11 Band-Aid

No need to say more.B e prepared! I find them especially handy when I break out a new pair of footwear. Just wear the band-aid on your ankles, it will protect you from shoe bites.

#12 Wet Wipes

Clean your face in a jiffy. These come especially handy when you are traveling or are exposed to a lot of pollution. They are also great for fixing makeup. Just use sparingly!

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# 13 Sunglasses

Get your game face on! Sunglasses are the perfect accessory. They protect your eyes from glare and eye area from UV rays. Besides, who can dispute the awesome add-on they do to your look?

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Image Credit: Gulf Luxury

#14 Hand Sanitizer

This is a MUST have. Most of the times, we unknowingly keep on touching our face. If your hands are not sanitized, you are welcoming the breakouts! Besides, not every place we eat out has a place to properly wash our hands. Hand sanitizers come to your rescue in such cases!

#15 Pepper Spray

Safety first! Be it in India or anywhere abroad, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Surely not everyone outside is a devil. Neither is everyone a saint. Just be prepared to burn the eyes out of anyone who really threatens your safety!

16 Must have things in your hand bag

Image Credit: Super Glam News

#16 Mobile  Powerbank

If your phone’s battery has a tendency to get drained out soon, please carry this around. You will save yourself and your loved ones, a lot of heartburn  🙂

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Image Credit: Pinterest

There are a couple of others things too that I keep or used to keep earlier. These include hair ties, pens , small pocket diary etc. Mostly the pen etc is not needed because the mobiles have this notes feature…And hair ties are optional depending on your need 🙂

Let me know if I missed out on anything!

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Smriti June 27, 2017 - 8:57 AM

The pepperspray was bang on mam.

V. sravanti June 27, 2017 - 9:59 AM

Ma’am a band aid! for immediate first aid. nice article!! <3

V. sravanti June 27, 2017 - 10:01 AM

that’s a cool idea. I’ll immediately place it into my purse.

Mahaswata Ghosh June 27, 2017 - 6:11 PM

Awesome ma’am… these are the essential needs for us :love

Gargi Niyogi June 29, 2017 - 10:05 AM

Awesome compilation !!
