Clean and Clear Blackhead Clearing Daily Scrub Review

by Aayushi Jain
3 minutes read

Product purchased by GlossyPolish

Hello, everyone. Summer makes our skin oily; we all know that. And most of the people face issues like acne or blackheads; especially blackheads which gain visibility because of oil and sweat. Thankfully, I am not prone to blackheads. And also, I am glad I do not have any need of using scrubs. Therefore, I asked one of my friends to use this because I have an acne prone skin and it doesn’t suit me.

So, first, those who have acne or open pores in their skin should never use face scrubs as it can increase the chances of acne. I have faced it earlier, so, I can assure you.

Now, talking about this blackhead scrub, whatever I will be telling will be based on my friend’s experience. Here I will begin now.

Clean and Clear Blackhead Clearing Daily Scrub Review 1

Basic Info of Clean and Clear Blackhead Clearing Daily Scrub

Price: Rs 30

Net weight: 20gm

Shelf Life: 36 months

Brand Claims: Fast and effective solution for blackhead prone skin. Effective micro-scrubbing beads break down trapped oil, dirt and dead skin. The natural apple extract formula penetrates deep into pores to help soften stubborn blackheads at the core and prevent new ones from forming. Its gentle exfoliating action leaves your skin beautifully smooth and clear.

Clean and Clear Blackhead Clearing Daily Scrub Review

How to use?

Squeeze a small amount on wet palm. As you work into a rich lather, gently massage product all over face, avoiding the eye area. Rinse off thoroughly. Use daily for skin that’s clean, clear and beautiful.

Clean and Clear Blackhead Clearing Daily Scrub Review 2

My Experience with Clean and Clear Blackhead Clearing Daily Scrub

Packaging: This comes in a small white and blue tube with purple flip-open cap. The packaging is travel and pocket-friendly.

Texture: The scrub is white in color with green apple extracts. It lathers up very well.

Fragrance: this blackhead scrub has a mild mint fragrance which does not become problematic for allergic people.

Experience: As I told you, I have an acne prone skin and do not use any scrub. The brand exaggerated a little here that visibly fewer blackheads in 3 days. It took 6 days at least for blackheads to lighten. But, I will not disagree with the fact that this scrub is really amazing. Though it took 6 days for her, her blackheads were less visible and skin looked so clear.  I was really amazed at the results. I believe you all must try it but yes, acne-prone people should definitely say it a no.

Clean and Clear Blackhead Clearing Daily Scrub Review 3

Overall Performance of Clean and Clear Blackhead Clearing Daily Scrub

Clean and dry had always been a girl’s favorite when it comes to products like this and face wash. Your skin will really become soft and clear. I have seen how it affected my friend’s skin, making it flawless.


  • Affordable
  • Pocket and travel-friendly
  • Mild fragrance
  • Really effective for blackhead prone skin
  • Can be used as a body scrub too


  • Not suitable for people with acne or open pores
  • Effect commences after 4-5 days

Would I repurchase or recommend it?

Yes, I will recommend it to people with normal skin and will not recommend to people with acne prone skin. I do not think I will repurchase it because it just does not suit me.

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kamya Dixit April 14, 2017 - 4:44 PM

it works well on my skin

Tanu Shree April 14, 2017 - 6:11 PM

I have used this. Agree with you on the acne part.
