Positive Affirmations #1

by Sone
2 minutes read

How are you doing good my Angels 🙂

I hope you all are happy and at peace!

Yesterday I was working on the website, and in the report saw someone was reading my post on daily positivity HERE . That’s when it hit me, that there are people all over who want a little something positive, a positive affirmation every day! I myself am one of them.

So what I did basically was, just google positive affirmations and picked up an image that called to me. I am thinking about doing a post every day..what do you guys think about it? I guess who ever chances to visit these posts..its like a sign 🙂


Here goes the image for the day :


glossypolish positive affirmation 1

Image Credit : indulgy


So…pretty simple right?

Happiness  IS an inside job.

No matter what your circumstance,it is YOU  who can choose to find the positive and be happy.


I am not saying that superficial stuff,and momentary distraction is the end ..no its not. I am not saying you let go of your dreams ,because they are causing you unhappiness and fear right now!What I am saying is ,if you are unhappy because of anything, for a while…just change your focus and be happy.

Try to find something positive. This will put you in a better frame of mind.

When you are in a better frame of mind, figure out what is really important for you..and then plan your strategy.This has MUCH better chances at long term happiness, rather than fixating on present unhappiness!


#JustSaying !!

Have a Great Day !! <3


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