Tomato Toner DIY – Exfoliate and Brighten Skin at Home Naturally !!!

by Vani Saxena
2 minutes read

Tomato Toner DIY: Hey guys, I’m back with another DIY. Last time I had discussed the Honey and Lemon mask for natural reduction of facial hair. Today I’m going to tell you as to how to get a clear and a spotless pore-free face. So keep reading! All of us feel disgusted on having those small ugly pores and pigmentation on our face! That pigmentation usually caused coz’ of sunburn, aging, and reactions to some or the other products we’ve used. Today I’ll make u aware about those bloody-red juicy fruits we all like to munch on. I’m talking here about tomatoes!! Yes, those cheeky red fruits which you like to have in your salad and in your dishes as well!

But do u know these tasty fruits can even help in making your skin clear and spotless like that you had “once upon a time”!


DIY Tomato Toner - Exfoliate and Brighten Skin at Home Naturally

Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C which help in getting rid of pigmentation usually caused due to sunburns as they possess anti-aging properties.

It helps in tightening your skin since it acts as an astringent and help soothe your derm as it acts as a coolant too! It contains “lycopene” which is an antioxidant and offers many benefits for skincare.

Uncountable properties in just one small fruit!

By toning your face with tomato pulp can do great wonders to your skin. It may help in lightening your scars, dark circles and diminish your wrinkles too!

So this recipe is very simple yet an effective one. All you need is a tomato and a fresh lemon.

Here you go.

In a juicer, squeez a freshly washed tomato and extract the juice out of it. Then collect the juice in a jar or a bowl and refrigerate it for 5 to 10 minutes.

While your juice is getting cooled up, halve a lemon and squash it in another vessel for taking out the juice.

DIY Tomato Toner - Exfoliate and Brighten Skin at Home Naturally 2

the lime juice and the tomato juice and you have your tomato lemon toner ready!

DIY Tomato Toner - Exfoliate and Brighten Skin at Home Naturally 3

Apply the toner all over your face using cotton or a wipe whichever you have available. Let your skin soak the juice and then wash out your face thoroughly.

Do this at least once a day since one tomato and one lemon is not a big deal. You can easily afford to spare some time for this easy trick 😉

DIY Tomato Toner - Exfoliate and Brighten Skin at Home Naturally 4

Tip: If you wish to have some kind of exfoliating done to your face then you may add some sugar to your toner and use it as a scrub too!

Try this out and have that flawless spotless skin!☺


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V. sravanti May 19, 2017 - 5:13 PM

Seriously your patience levels!!! very good article! :balleballe :rose: :love

Subhangi Singh May 22, 2017 - 11:06 AM

Tomatoes always works excellent on skin..good article :good:

Tanu Shree May 22, 2017 - 4:11 PM

I love tomatoes, but the only thing is that Tomato DIYs take some time to work.

Smriti March 27, 2018 - 12:35 PM

the day i do this, my skin stays super supple, soft. i too need to do it often. lovely article Vani….

Sreeparna Ganguly March 27, 2018 - 1:13 PM

Amazing diy!! 🙂
