Eyova Hair Nutrient with Egg Oil – Is it Your Dream Hair Product?

by Sone
2 minutes read

Hi, Girls!

How is 2017 suiting you? It’s been a rough rough year for me. Talk about having a bad hair day…all year long..? Exactly!Lets dive into the topic of healthy hair while we are at it…personal melodramas are no fun ;)Left right and center, everyone cries hoarse how eggs are great for hair. I too have tried the remedy and I can vouch for it. But NO one likes to get their hands dirty…I mean egg directly on scalp…ugh.So when I came across this egg oil, I was like amazing this stuff is the dream. Let’s see how this Eyova hair nutrient with egg oil has fared.

Eyova Hair Nutrient with Egg Oil

Eyova Hair Nutrient with Egg Oil 1

Basic Info of Eyova Hair Nutrient with Egg Oil

Price: Rs 590

Eyova Hair Nutrient with Egg Oil 5

Net Weight: 50ml

  • Contains egg oil cholesterol that provides deep conditioning for all hair strands.
  • Helps improve cell nourishment and stimulate blood circulation to impart healthier hair conditions.
  • Rejuvenates scalp skin, fights inflammation and soothes scalp irritations.
  • Regular usage makes your hair shine with health.
  • Gives lustrous and soft hair that is easily manageable and capable of being styled to perfection.

Eyova Hair Nutrient with Egg Oil 4

My Experience with Eyova Hair Nutrient with Egg Oil

Eyova Hair Nutrient with Egg Oil 3

This oil comes in a small flip cap bottle. The oil is yellow in color and super greasy. It smells eggy and off. I suggest you store this wrapped in a tissue paper as the oil is liable to leak and that is one mess you don’t want.

The oil spreads easily and kind of sets in your hair? I applied it in the morning and washed off in the evening. It is kind of yucky to wash off and needed two rounds of using a clarifying shampoo.

I will admit, I was expecting major wonder from this product.

No wonders.

It’s a very average product and I cannot justify its price one bit. It did NOTHING for my hair. I have not used it again and I feel I’d rather use the egg itself.

Eyova Hair Nutrient with Egg Oil 2

Overall Performance of Eyova Hair Nutrient with Egg Oil


  • You don’t feel you are directly applying egg


  • Smells bad
  • Sets in hair
  • Difficult to wash off
  • Does nothing for hair

Would I repurchase or recommend it to you?

Nope. This is a pass for me.

Also see:

Egg Shampoo

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Pooja Patil July 21, 2017 - 12:04 PM

Utter garbage. I am using it for over a year now and find it to be a wonderful product. Seems like a very biased review not based on facts.

Sone July 24, 2017 - 11:26 AM

Pooja, how can a negative review be biased?
It’s great if it worked for you 🙂
I personally felt this product was not good and I felt people should not spend on something that doesn’t work for everyone.Hence the bad review.
I wrote what I experienced.
I see a lot of people giving great reviews to products on shopping sites and you notice 3-4 positive reviews in the same day.
If you have been using this product for more than a year then why do you need to look for reviews of the product online 😛

Sone July 24, 2017 - 11:39 AM

Quick question, ur email id has been used on at least 10 different sites with different names- Antrika, Pooja Prescott all praising Eyova…why mislead people like this!? On purplle you have given a glowing review in 2014, 3 years back. :no :no

Ajanta July 24, 2017 - 11:13 AM

Pooja this didn’t suit me also! You seem to be from brand lol

Navs July 24, 2017 - 11:50 AM

Its a rubbish product, i agree with the review Sone! I had silky hair and this oil completely damaged the texture of my hair! its better to apply egg with henna instead!
