With your pregnancy rolling into week 10, you are over the most critical phase of this beautiful journey. You will be glad to know that most important organs of your baby have already formed and your little sweetheart has entered into the fetal phase after successful completion of the embryonic phase. From this point onwards your baby will experience rapid spurts of growth as tissues and organs continue to develop and grow at a phenomenal rate. Delicate peach fuzz hair is growing on the almost translucent skin of your baby and the liver will begin to function this week making copious amounts of red blood cells.
What to look forward to…
You and your partner will experience one of the most intimate and emotional moments of your life as a couple as now at your next prenatal appointment…The doctor will let you listen to the baby’s healthy racing heart with the help of a Doppler (hand held device). Most hospitals and nursing homes allow both partners to hear the heartbeat together (don’t confuse this with the earlier ultrasounds where only the mommy is present).
Interestingly, your uterus which was earlier the size of a smallish pear has now swollen to the size of a grapefruit. Your abdomen may feel a little tighter though whether it swells up at this point depends upon heredity, your muscle tone, and your body structure. You still aren’t ready for maternity wear shopping though and this might be a good time to pay attention to a very important section of your wardrobe….your bras.
The quest for the perfect pregnancy Bra…

Image Credit: take maternity
If there is anything that you should necessarily invest in during your pregnancy it is Bras…good, high quality, strong supportive ones. How well you support your assets during this critical time will dictate how well they end up looking at the end of your pregnancy phase. The answer to this is obviously maternity bras and here’s what you should look for in them
Choose maternity bra’s that are adjustable with at least 4 or more hook positions that can be adjusted.
Look for a deep center front fuller cup shapes and wider straps…you need better support now.
Choose breathable fabrics …cotton should be your top choice unless you live in cold climes. No itchy low-quality lace, cheap polyester or any other material which rubs against your skin (your breasts are likely to be super sensitive around this time). Underwired bras are not recommended at this point.
The bra you choose during this phase (first trimester) should be fitted with the 1st hook with some room left over in the cups so that you can use it in your second trimester as well. However don’t be surprised if you outgrow your first-trimester maternity bra completely towards the end of the second trimester…
If possible opt for a custom bra designing service….I happened to avail a great one in Kolkata by the name Necessity.Find out if there is a similar service in your city.
Most importantly take good care of your twins…itching and achy breasts and nipples are the top first trimester irritants (especially week 10 onwards). Massage with kokum butter/ cocoa butter and /or cold pressed coconut oil….these natural products work wonders. Stay away from delicious smelling body butter and lotions…anything with artificial fragrance will further irritate the skin.
It’s natural to feel a little helpless with all the rapid changes happening in your body. However, it all falls into perspective when you consider that your body is gearing up to prepare for one of the most beautiful gifts of life…motherhood.
Changing Body, Changing Innerwear!
Nice guidelines for the flock of new would be pregnant ladies ….. carry on with ur valuable and fluent pen downs …
Finding the correct bra is really important…good article