How to get Beautiful Nails ?

by Sone
5 minutes read

How to get Beautiful Nails: Do you chew your nails, bite them…? Do you have brittle nails that break into layers for no reason? This article is especially dedicated to the girls who want to have great looking nails and are not able to maintain their nails due to various reasons. These tips are also really great for maintaining your healthy nails.
Here you go girls:

How to get Beautiful Nails

#1 Stop Biting your Nails

I know it is a habit, I also know it may not be easy to quit. But think of the beautiful glorious nails you will have if you don’t bite them! More over….the space behind the nail is where all the bacteria and dirt accumulates. Do you really want to be putting THAT into your mouth? Stop NOW!! Do something, every time you bite your nail off, but a dollar of 50 Rs in a box. It straight away goes to the Expensive Manicure/Nail Polish fund. That money can only be used for a manicure or for buying a crazily expensive nail treatment/polish at the end of the month. Think again…wouldn’t you rather spend that money elsewhere? Be strict with yourself. Chewing /biting nails is BAD and there is NO Excuse for this habit!

#2 Fix a Manicure Day

Every once in a week you do your scrub and pack routine at home. I do it on Saturday’s. So every Saturday while I have applied my face pack and am pretty much relaxing, that is the time when I tend to my hands and take care of my nails. Push away cuticles, buff the nails to a shine and file any jagged ends.

#3  NEVER Cut your Cuticles

 I know, you say the parlor lady does it; your manicurist does it…hell people ask you to cut your cuticles even on online sites. Worst Idea ever. Cutting the cuticles injures the skin and makes it prone to infection. Please avoid cutting your cuticles unless there is an injury. You really don’t want to end up with sensitive nails or worse, a fungal infection! You can always push them back with a cuticle pusher or even the edge of a reversed spoon!

#4  File your Nails with Care

Ideally, you should never cut your nails. Nail clippers should be avoided unless you have very soft or brittle nails. Always file your nails with a nail file. Always in a single direction. Never go back and forth. If you go back and forth you have a very good chance of tearing up the delicate tissues.

#5 Wear Rubber gloves while Washing /Cleaning

Excessive Exposure to water leaves the nails soft and vulnerable to breakage. While washing utensils, clothes or cleaning around the house…always wear rubber gloves. They are cheap and much more hygienic. Wearing gardening gloves while working in your garden is another obvious point.

#6 Take Biotin Supplements

This B vitamin is essential for healthy nails and hair. If you have weak and brittle nails and or dry hair; this may be the culprit. Visit your nearest physician and take a suitable prescription for this supplement. Trust me it will work wonders for you.

#7 Wear Gloves in Winter

Cold winters and low temperatures really dry out your nails. Apply a good hand cream and slip on your gloves. Your hands and nails will thank you for it!

#8 Use Acetone Free Nail Polish Remover

Acetone is dangerous for your nail and skin health when used for a prolonged period of time. It also dries out your nails. There are thousands of acetone-free nail polish removers, Use those!

#9 Massage your Nail Bed

If you have slow growing nails, apply any cuticle oil or Olive oil to your nail bed. It increases blood circulation and promotes nail growth. Plus it keeps the cuticles healthy and gives the nail a nice shine.

#10 Skip Quick Drying Nail Polish

The quick-drying nail polish is easy to apply and use, but it is really bad for your nails. It dehydrates the nail a lot. This makes them weak and brittle in the long run.

#11 Apply Clear Nail Polish beneath your nail tips

This is a really handy tip. Applying clear nail polish under your nail tip will give them added strength. It will also probably taste bad…and stop your nail biting habit 😛

#12  Always apply a Base Coat

Applying a good quality base coat on your nails makes the polish last longer. It also protects your nails from discoloration.

#13 Skip nail polish for At Least 2 days in a week

This will give some comfort and a breather to your nails. Trust me; your hands will thank you for it  🙂

#14  Big No to Acrylic Nails

Please spare yourself the pain. Acrylic nails me look good for a while…but they literally kill your natural nails. You will end up being dependent on them. If you are using artificial nails, better stop now!

#15 Use a Hand Cream

Every time you wash your hands, make it a point to moisturize them with your favorite hand cream it will keep your hands soft and nails healthy.

#16 Eat Foods with Folic Acid

That Vitamin B9. I remember reading cauliflowers, fish, cheese, soy etc have it. Eat foodstuff rich in this Vitamin. It improves nail and hair growth and promotes blood circulation.

#17 Your Nails Are Not Tools

Girls, please! Stop using your nails as a tool to open boxes, tear out covers and what not. You are bound to cause injury to nails…that may not show immediately but will pile on.

#18 Stop Peeling Old Nail Polish

If you have half chipped old nail polish remnants, please wipe the nails clean with a nail polish remover. Peeling or scraping away nail polish from your nails will damage the nail bed.

#19 Use Nail Strengtheners

These think actually work. If you have really brittle nails…follow all the tips above and use a nail strengthener. This will keep your nails healthy and in top shape!!

Next, I will write about, how to maintain your manicure through the week 🙂 Wishing you beautiful nails till then 😀

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Apoorwa verma July 23, 2018 - 10:33 AM

Wow mam !!!! Such beautifully compiled article ….. ????Loved it
Wanna ask does manicure really helps ??????

Sreeparna Ganguly July 23, 2018 - 10:34 AM

Wow… very helpful tips.. ???
Will wait for the manicure maintenance post.. 🙂 🙂

Mohita jain July 23, 2018 - 10:47 AM

Such a well detailed article??

Prachi singh July 24, 2018 - 8:48 PM

