Drink To Lose Weight Fast: How many times have you made a New Year resolution about losing weight?? And how many times has that resolution failed?? (Sigh) Every time!
We all want to lose weight but the whole idea of diet plans, exercise routines and what not becomes a big pain in the neck and before we know we kick away all ideas of shedding those extra pounds. But this summer why not kick away the extra weight by sipping your way to a gorgeous slim version of you. Here are the top 5 easiest and most effective drinks to lose weight which is right now sitting somewhere in your home. All you have got to do is get up and grab them.
Icy Cold Water

Image Credit: Fmbuzz.com
Who knew chilled water would be your savior – when we consume chilled water, our body has to produce heat by burning fat to warm up the water to bring it your body temperature. Drinking water before meals also reduces your appetite and makes you eat less. So you did nothing but drink water and still LOST WEIGHT!
Lemon And Honey Water
Lemonade??? Yes, please!
Who can resist this sour and sweet tasting drink in summers – we absolutely long for a glass of lemonade on a hot summer day? Just replace sugar with honey. Consuming this early morning empty stomach is a great way to get rid of those tiresome tires 😛

Image Credit: Dailyhealthlist.com
Green Tea
This evergreen drink will not only help you lose a few pounds but also give you glowing skin. It has antioxidants and speeds up your metabolism which helps in burning fat and also suppresses appetite.
So the next you are at the grocery store remember to pick up a few boxes of this wonderful tea.

Image Credit: Japanese Green Tea in India
Coffee lovers you can rejoice now. You favorite caffeine drink is here to help you shed weight. Not only does it reduce free radicals but also boosts up your metabolism and hence help you burn calories at a much higher rate. Start the day with this cup of goodness but don’t go overboard (2 cups a day is suffice)
Detox waters
If you haven’t already started detox waters it’s time you went through our article on how to make gorgeous Detox waters.
This will flush out the toxins and water weight leaving you with a flat belly.

Image Credit: hcgdiet.com
Milk And Yogurt Smoothies
Milk is undoubtedly a rich source of calcium and calcium suppresses calcitriol (fattening hormone) and appetite. Yogurt drinks too are thick and make you feel full so there is no room for extra food or fat.You must try Sone’s Doctor Away Smoothie!
Even if you don’t have the time or you are just a lazy girl 😛 these drinks will help you get your dream waistline that too effortlessly. Of course, there are more ways to lose weight and a whole list of do’s and don’ts which we would be putting up later for you guys. All you have got to do is keep checking the website for the more updates.
Till then sip away ladies 🙂
1 comment
These are cool drinks for summer as well make fit thanks glossypolish for the lifestyle series