GM Diet:“Losing them extra pounds” is a staple on most people’s to-do list these days. It doesn’t even have to be a weight issue, it’s just one of the downsides of 9 to 5 jobs that most people, even if relatively fit, end up feeling like they are gaining weight after each 8-hour shift of sitting motionless.
More and more people are looking for quick ways to shed off the undesired weight and stay healthy. If you are one of those, you might have heard of the GM diet. Yes, it is what it claims to be. You can lose around 5-6 kg in a week by following the GM diet. But it isn’t exactly like waving a wand, as it may seem. You need preparation, strictness and some serious willpower if you wish to achieve desired results.
Here is everything you should know about this magic diet.
What is it?
True Story – General Motors Corporation came up with a diet plan to keep their employees in shape and energetic, known as the GM diet. This diet involves consuming specific food items per day and nothing else, which lead to quick weight loss. What started as an in-house plan for employees gradually became a famous weight loss regime over the years.
So yes it does work but you have to strictly stick to the diet. And while it can be done for as many days as you can/wish, it is advisable to do it in bouts of 7 days to avoid health risks.
Why awesome?
While other weight loss tricks lose about 1 kg per week, this one straight away shelves off about 5 kgs off you in a single week. How can you not love that?
Additionally, it detoxifies and cleanses your body from the inside. And it strengthens you mentally as well. In fact, many people do this as a Detox regime every few months rather than a weight loss regime.
Because there has to be some. Because following a strict diet for 7 days straight has got to have negatives.
First, it needs regular exercise in the supplement. Diet alone won’t be as effective. And it will leave you exhausted, with bouts of hunger and muscle pain – because your body is suddenly stripped off required proteins. Consider yourself warned that this diet is pretty hard for first-timers.
How to do GM Diet?
Prep up
If after weighing in (hehe pun!) both sides of the coin, you feel like this is something you should try, you should prep up thoroughly to avoid any health-related mishaps.
Keep a 1-liter water bottle with you at all times as you will need to drink around 8 – 12 glasses of water each day. Avoid alcohol at a cost because it will literally wipe out any good your diet, do you? Keep aside at least 10 minutes per day for exercise. It can be anything that suits you – yoga, Pilates, pushups, stretching – anything that works for you.
Most importantly, plan out your diet in advance so that you know exactly when your next meal is and what you are having. Goes without saying, make sure you have adequate stocks of required food items.
Action Time
Note: 8 – 12 glasses water and 10 minutes of exercises is a must for every day.
Day 1
– All fruits (except bananas)
– recommended: water melon and cantaloupe
Day 2
– Baked potato for Breakfast- 1 large
– Small Dab of Butter and Veggies raw/boiled
Day 3
– All fruits (except bananas)
– Cooked/uncooked vegetables without oil
Day 4
– 8 to 10 bananas
– 4 glasses of milk
Day 5
– 8 tomatoes
– 1 cup tofu/ boiled chicken/grilled fish
– Additional 3 glasses of water
Day 6
– 1 cup tofu
– Cooked/uncooked vegetables without oil
Day 7
– 1 cup brown rice
– Any vegetables
– Fruit juices
There you go! Now, this is just the basic idea of what your meals should be. You can experiment around with the vegetables of your choice and add variety. You should, at no cost, skip a meal. In fact having more meals works better as you are constantly providing energy to yourself.
Make sure you consult your doctor before going on the GM diet if you have a chronic health situation like Sugar or Blood Pressure.
Happy Dieting!
This looks really effective.. Very informative and interesting article ??
That was very informative…. Maybe I can try sometimes too?
truly informative! But i guess we would put on weight if the same is not continued for the third week as well.