What are Castor Oil Benefits for Skin , Hair and Health ?

by Paneeni Sharma
4 minutes read

Castor oil is locally known as ‘Arandi ka tel’ and scientifically known as ‘Ricinus communis’. It is vegetable oil which is obtained by pressing seeds of the castor plant. Castor oil benefits are many and it is becoming very famous nowadays as it packed with many health and beauty benefits.

Castor oil is nowadays being used in many cosmetic and beauty products like soaps, perfumes etc as it offers endless benefits to us. It is considered as one of the most effective home remedies for various hair related problems such as dry scalp, hair thinning, split ends and hair loss.Castor oil is widely used for decades in various beauty treatments. Castor oil, not just only has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties but is also a rich source of various essential proteins, minerals, Ricinoleic Acid and vitamin E.

Some Castor Oil uses are enlisted below, so keep on reading so that you do not miss any of these benefits.

Basics of Skincare Products Part A Essential oils

 Castor Oil Benefits for Skin

  1. Reduces skin inflammation – Castor oil has anti-inflammatory properties and can heal skin inflammation by directly massaging on the affected area of the skin that has been caused by sunburns, acne, and dry skin.
  2. Fights signs of aging – Castor oil on the application of the skin directly penetrates deep into the epidermis and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. It delays the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and makes the skin smoother, softer, and younger.
  3. Reduces acne – Where most of the oils tend to clog the pores present in the skin and result in breakouts but castor oil is an exception to this. As Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid that fights off the acne-causing bacteria.
  4. Great Moisturiser – Castor oil is rich in fatty acids which easily penetrate the epidermis and go deep down and hydrates the skin and makes it smooth and supple.
  5. Prevent stretch marks – Stretch marks are a result of excessive stretching of the skin and relatively less availability of elastic tissue. Castor oil contains fatty acids which can reduce the stretch marks.


Castor Oil Benefits for Hair

  1. Promotes Hair Growth – Massaging of Castor oil on scalp boosts up the blood circulation to hair follicles and increase hair growth. It also helps reduce split ends, controls hair breakage, and conditions and moisturizes your hair.
  2. Treats Scalp Infections – Infection of the scalp can lead to dandruff, patchy baldness and itchy scalp. Castor oil has Antifungal and antibacterial properties due to which it can fight away the infection causing organisms.
  3. Prevents Premature Graying of hair – Castor oil contains some essential nutrients which help in keeping the hair in their true form. They can also help in preventing hair loss.
  4. Causes conditioning of Hair – Castor oil is even helpful in treating dry and damaged hair. It locks the moisture in the hair follicles and hair shaft and prevents hair from turning dry and makes them smooth and soft.
  5. Gives you thick hair – Castor oil contains fatty acids such as omega-6 and omega-9 which are known to increase hair growth. Regular use of castor oil increase hair growth and thicken the hair and gives them a natural healthy shine.
  6. Gives longer eyelashes and thick eyebrows – Application of castor oil regularly to eyebrows and eyelashes can stimulate hair growth and will give you eyebrows and eyelashes of your dream.


Castor Oil Benefits for Health

  1. Aids in treating Rheumatism, Arthritis, Gout – Presence of Ricinoleic Acid, Oleic Acid, Linoleic Acid and other fatty acids in castor oil is very useful in treating rheumatism, arthritis, and gout.
  2. Regularises menstrual cycle – Ricinoleic Acid present in Castor oil has is very effective and regularises menstrual cycle and menstrual flow.
  3. Helps to relieve pain during menstruation – Presence of Ricinoleic Acid in castor oil also helps in relieving pain during menstruation.
  4. Provides relief from constipation – Castor oil has a strong laxative effect. A laxative is substances that loosen stools and increase bowel movements. Therefore it is used to treat and prevent constipation.
  5. Stimulates secretion of milk in lactating mothers – Castor oil ease and enhance the flow of milk and also increases the quantity of milk in lactating mothers.
  6. Treats back pain – Massaging castor oil on your back is a natural way to get rid of any pain and stiffness.
  7. Speed up sluggish lymphatic system – Castor oil helps in increasing production of white blood cells in the body which are stored in the lymphatic system which impacts the circulatory and digestive system and therefore it helps supporting heart health and curing issues related to the digestive system such as constipation.
  8. Boost body’s immune system – Castor oil has the ability to increase the level of white blood cells in our body which and these cells have an important role in fighting against disease-causing microorganisms and therefore play an important part in health and healing.
  9. Cures allergies – Castor oil is known for its anti-allergic properties as well. Oral ingestion of castor oil can reduce symptoms of allergy.
  10. Labour induction – Castor oil can be used for induction of labor pains in a woman who has gone under the full term. Ricinoleic Acid in castor oil promotes contractions.
More Castor Oil Benefits?
  1. How to Use Castor Oil to Get Longer and Thicker Lashes Naturally – Step by Step !

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Leave a Comment


Smriti January 27, 2018 - 5:13 PM

So beautifully written. I love castor oil. Its amazing truly.

Sreeparna Ganguly January 27, 2018 - 5:59 PM

You have listed so many benefits of castor oil..
I am going to bookmark this page :love

Meghal January 27, 2018 - 9:36 PM

I use castor oil on my lashes everyday ?

Chaity Chakraborty January 27, 2018 - 10:46 PM

I have a very good experience with it as it is very effective in hair growth. But I really did not know about its others usage. A very informative write up. Thanks for sharing this precious write up with us.
