Detoxing with RawLeaf – A Candid Experience!

by Sone
6 minutes read

What can a few bottles of fresh juice do?

Apparently a LOT!

A couple of weeks back, I tried the Basic Cleanse by Raw Leaf.

The concept was pretty simple. Have mercy on your system and give it a break. Drink fresh cold pressed juices the entire day and see what a difference it could make.

I will be very honest.

I NEVER believed that it could make much of a difference. How do we say, I had to bite (err drink!) my words.

After a month of gluttony, I was sorely tempted to detox and did not blink an eye before ordering it. I placed an order for the Basic Cleanse that costs Rs 850 from RawLeaf. It was the most affordable one day cleanse in the market!!

Detoxing with RawLeaf

Here is what the Brand Claims about it

6 bottles in a day: 2 detoxes, 2 trim and 2 purify. This is generally recommended for a one day cleanse after partying, to get down the increased weight instantly. Can be done as a routine on Mondays after the weekend binge!

My Experience with the Raw Leaf Basic Cleanse:

Shortly after I placed the order, I got a call to confirm it. The thing that struck me as admirable was: These people ACTUALLY cared that you get your juice 100% FRESH. Unlike some other brands, they have a strict 24-hour consumption advice.

That itself made me pepped up and happy for all the goodness I was about to enjoy! 9 am the juice delivery guy was at my doorstep, with 6 glass bottles of chilled juices. Caps tightly sealed and packaging was done nicely.

There are two bottles each of the following juices in the cleanse:

# Detox

Detoxing with RawLeaf 3

Beetroot, Carrot, Tomatoes, Coriander, Mint, Ginger, Amla and Lemon

Beetroot is known to improve athletic performance and lower BP. It’s known to decrease the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Carrot is full of beta carotene and fiber content, further they are rich in Vitamin A, C, K, B8, Iron, Copper, and Manganese. Carrots are known to improve vision; it also promotes healthier skin and can be used to cleanse the body. Vitamin A assists the liver in flushing out the toxins from the body. It reduces the bile and fat in the liver. The fibers present in carrots help clean out the colon and hasten waste movement. Tomatoes are a rich source of Vitamin A and C and folic acid. They play a significant role in detoxifying the body. Amla – 100 Gms of Amla contains around 445 mg of Vitamin C. It also contains flavonoids and polyphenols which have their own benefits as an antimicrobial and antiviral. It also acts as a good blood purifier. The combination of all these ingredients provides the best detox available for the body especially the liver.

# Purify

Red Apple, Beetroot, Carrot, Cucumber, Celery, Lemon, and Ginger

This is a varied combination of both detoxifying the body and giving the trimming effect. The ingredients are full of the goodness of power-packed nutrients. Recommended: People who are looking for an intense purification and cleansing can take one bottle every day.

Detoxing with RawLeaf 2

# Trim

Green Apple, Cucumber, Kale, Spinach, Celery, Ginger, Lettuce

Green Apple – As the saying goes an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and it really holds true for Green apples. Green Apple has been recognized as one of the healthiest fruits. It’s known to offer relief from digestive disorders and also very effective in lowering blood cholesterol and BP. Kale is low in calorie, high in fiber and has zero fat. It is definitely one of the healthiest and most nutritive plant foods in existence. Cucumbers are very low in calories yet they make a filling snack. One cup of sliced cucumber contains 16 calories it also makes an ideal base for vegetable juices due to their mild flavor and high water content. Celery very rich in Vitamin K and also contains folate, Vitamin A, Potassium and Vitamin C. Despite being mostly water it also contains a fair amount of dietary fiber. One large stalk contains only 10 calories. Spinach is low in fat and even lower in cholesterol. It is rich in niacin, zinc, Vitamin A, C, E, K and BE, Folate, Iron, Phosphorus. This juice is a perfect combination of all super ingredients with maximum nutrition and lowest calories, perfect for a slim figure.

I decided to go the Red –Green – Red Way. The first juice I had was the Detox, then the Trim and finally the purify. Each at an interval of around 2- 2.5 hours. Surprisingly, all of these taste really good. I mean really good! My favorite has to be the Detox one flavorwise and the other two after it.

Detoxing with RawLeaf 1

How I felt:

  1. The taste of juices is so nice that you enjoy drinking them. It’s not like a punishment…you know what I mean 🙂
  2. If you are doing a day long cleanse, I strongly suggest you do it on a holiday or nonworking day. Flushing out toxins and the juices themselves have a laxative effect for some. Not a great idea to detox when you are working.
  3. Again if you are a beginner, better to relax the whole day. Seasoned players …can detox when and where they want to. Beginners take some time to get accustomed.
  4. As soon as you hit the 4 o clock mark, you will feel hungrier. It is advised to include a light meal that is gentle on your system if you are a beginner.
  5. Again, finish with a juice…no dinner at the end of the day. This way you will feel light and balanced.
  6. Those who enjoy their cup of tea or coffee might feel a slight headache coming on. That’s pretty normal. It happens with ALL detoxes when you are off caffeine.

At the end of the day, I felt like a champion! I did this for my body  🙂 There are definite moments when you crave food. For times like those, I used to kind of save two gulps of juices to you know, give a quick boost.

The very next day there was no apparent major result, but the third day I felt more energetic and generally happy. I think it takes that much time to flush out the toxins!

Even though juicing is liquid diet, make sure you have at least 10 glasses of water. Juices kind of flush and remove toxins from the place they are in, its water that flushes them out effectively from the body.

I feel fantastic having tried their cleanse. This is something I feel everyone can do at least once a week!How much is Rs 850 after all, better than scarfing down that buy 1 get 1 pizza 😛 Invest in your body; you will feel so many better-mere words cannot begin to express it!

Full Marks to Raw Leaf for doing such an awesome job of it, at such an affordable price!

Delhi NCR People, you are a Lucky bunch!


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1 comment

Smriti June 18, 2017 - 3:06 PM

This looks so helpful. Will try soon
