Detox Water

by Mallika Dharmani
3 minutes read

Detox Water: Summers are kicking in and Detox waters are the new fad this summer. Actually, every summer they become a fad 😉 😛 Everyone is looking for a way to tackle the heat and get that wow skin .Detox water is the one answer to all these needs!Actually, water is the solution to 80% of our skin problems but let’s admit it drinking plain water is just boring so mixing fruit in your water is a good way to kick away the bland taste.

Detoxification simply means flushing the toxins out of our system and Detox waters are nothing but simple fruit infused water that help flush out toxins .

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So here is the most simple DIY *EVER* for clear, glowing and gorgeous skin.

Detox waters, are really really easy to make.You can use almost any fruit, herb, vegetable that you have at hand to make these tasty waters but since we are talking about skin I would strongly recommend infusing waters with fruits that are rich in vitamin C.Vitamin C is the food of glowing skin and is found in abundance in strawberries, lemons, gooseberries (Amla), mangoes etc.Among herbs I would suggest mint and basil (tulsi leaves). Cucumbers and ginger also do a pretty decent job.

Now to be honest there is isn’t really any one particular recipe for Detox waters. You can simply cut up whatever vegetables and fruits you like and put them in the water overnight and drink them the next day.However there are a few popular Detox water recipes that I would like to share, as I prefer these 😉

Lemon Detox Water

Simply cut up Lemon slices and put them in the water. Approximately 2 lemons for 1.5 liters water. Put in a sealed bottle / jar and refrigerate overnight.

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Cucumber and Mint Detox Water

Put slices of one cucumber and about 12 mint leaves and let it sit overnight. I read it somewhere that the ever young, Neetu Kapoor swears by this. Both for glowing skin and keeping weight in check.

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Lemon and Ginger Detox Water

Put sliced lemon and some ginger slices in the water. Great for cleansing the bowel and for skin!

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Strawberry Detox Water

Put sliced strawberries and Lemon slices and add a spoon of honey to it. This one is totally yummy 😉

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Orange and Mango Detox Water

Cut and slice an orange and a mango and add these fruit slices to 2 litres of water…Add some basil leaves too.This is yummy, re hydrating and simply wow for the skin.

Diy Detox Water

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You can put in all that you. Want there is no hard and fast rule. You may add mint, lemon, strawberries, cucumber all at once too in 2 litres water or do it the way you like. So from tomorrow don’t just drink water, drink Detox water 🙂

Which one are you making today? 😉

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Sone April 10, 2016 - 6:10 PM

Very useful article Mallika!! 🙂 Thanks 🙂

Mallika April 30, 2017 - 1:58 PM

Glad you liked it sone :love

Sreeparna Ganguly September 4, 2017 - 3:47 PM

I have tried the lemon detox water and the cucumber one. They prevent belly bloating really nicely 🙂

gargi September 5, 2017 - 11:38 AM

might try the strawberry detox…it looks yummy …great informative article!!

Sone September 5, 2017 - 12:49 PM

yumm :love :love
