Eva Fresh Lips Litchi Review

by Tanu Shree
2 minutes read

Eva Fresh Lips Mini Lip Balm Litchi Review: We have so many lip balms available these days that it becomes a bit hard to choose. But it also increases our urge to try out these new exciting things that are out there. Maybe, we find our new favorite, who knows?

That what I had in mind when I tried out this lip balm. And I’m glad I did – now I can cross it off my list forever.

What is it and who is it for?

A regular moisturizing lip balm for girls.


Rs. 60 (1.2g)

Eva Fresh Lips Mini Lip Balm Litchi 2

How to Use?

Remove the cap. Apply like you would lipstick – gently over the lips in swift motions. Use as and when needed throughout the day.

My Experience with Eva Fresh Lips Mini Lip Balm Litchi


Oh I hated it. It just isn’t good. When I purchase a lip balm, what I expect from it is to keep my lips soft and moisturized, longer the better. That’s it. Nothing more than that.

I tried this one solely because my mom had bought it and I thought yes why not let’s try it. But first, it’s not at all moisturizing. Second, the color is so unnatural. Third, it doesn’t even stay.

I mean this lip balm is bad!! There is nothing to like about it. It looks like a bad lipstick when applied, no shine/glow whatsoever. The fake color it gives the lips doesn’t even look good. Although it doesn’t have a very present smell, if you sniff close enough, the fragrance is quite like Litchi.

Look, I can forgive the unnatural color and even apply it more times than I would other good balms if it does the one thing it is supposed to do – and that is to moisturize my lips in the harsh winter. But it fails there itself and then everything else doesn’t matter.

Good thing we bought a mini pack, and not a regular one.

Eva Fresh Lips Mini Lip Balm Litchi 4

  • Litchi Fragrance
  1. No moisturizing At all
  2. Doesn’t stay
  3. Unnatural color
Glossy Polish Verdict


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Sone March 1, 2017 - 4:31 PM

Oh such a crappy product!

Tanu Shree April 4, 2017 - 3:45 PM


shreya Chakraborty March 1, 2017 - 9:43 PM

If you like the taste and fragrance of litchi try ‘BORN LIPPY LYCHEE SHIMMER LIP BALM’ from body shop. Its amazingly tasty and super moisturising.

Tanu Shree April 4, 2017 - 3:46 PM

Would definitely keep it in mind when I purchase a lip balm next.
