By week 9 of your pregnancy…your baby is gearing towards the end of the embryonic stage and is all set to enter the fetal stage. Your baby is now almost an inch in length and is the size of a large grape. The embryonic tail has almost vanished and your baby’s heart has started dividing into four chambers complete with sets of teeny weeny valves. Cute little earlobes, a button nose, and a rosebud mouth are forming though you won’t be able to physically see these changes on the ultrasound…it’s heartening to know about them nevertheless.
9 weeks is regarded as a landmark by many gynecologists as this is when the risk of miscarriage drops to about 1.5%. There is every reason to feel secure and happy about your pregnancy right now and you can stop treading on feather feet 🙂
However, physically your body may be terribly uncomfortable at this point…most pregnancy symptoms like nausea, sensitivity to odor, moodiness, and lack of appetite peak around this time. All these issues have been dealt with in the previous posts so by this time you know how to deal with them. Now is also a good time to tell people around you like close friends, work supervisor etc. about your pregnancy though many mm’s to be preferred to wait it out till the second trimester arrives. Here are some tips to help you sort out your dilemma of telling vs. not tell.

Image Credit: BrainJet
Do you need some “us time”?
This basically means whether you and hubby would want some quiet time together to savor your time as a couple and would be parents. Be aware of the fact that as soon as make the announcement…you will be swamped with advice, visits, phone calls and jubilant hugs of joy which is all very nice but…. So basically if you wish to savor the intimacy of pre-parenthood better hold your horses for a few more weeks.
Do you have pregnancy complications?
In case you have severe nausea, high blood pressure, uncontrolled thyroid, a history of miscarriage and have been advised bed rest then you have little choice. You would have to open up about your pregnancy to your boss and colleagues primarily for practical reasons. Informing senior family members is also a good idea so that you would be taken care of well.
Do you travel a lot and are under lots of work pressure?
All of us are under some degree of work pressure but for mom’s to be there is a low ceiling on stress and pressure from any department. Most employers are pretty accommodating when dealing with pregnant employees and you might get favorable changes in your work schedule and flexible timings if you decide to “tell”.
So basically, the answer to these three questions will help you make your decision quick. Now is an awesome time to start bonding with your little sweetie…remember the ears have just formed. Try sending a bunch of sweet words and tons of warmth to your little baby…these touches of love will work wonders in the long run!!
Diary of an Expecting Mother:: Baby on Board!
Spotting During Pregnancy (B.O.B Episode 2)
Week 7 Nausea Fact Files: BOB Episode 3
Pregnancy Week 8 ….Dealing With Fatigue BOB Episode 4
Well written ?
Thanks 🙂