Shahnaz Hussain Tips For Glowing Skin | Beauty Tips

by Smriti S
4 minutes read

The name Shahnaz Hussain is very famous when it comes to beauty and wellness. She is a wellness and cosmetic guru, who has given some of the best beauty tips over the years. After spending many years, Shahnaz Hussain used her knowledge on Ayurveda and created a new brand in the world of beauty. They were specifically created by combing the ancient years of knowledge with the latest technology. The end result gave rise to some of the most effective natural treatments ever.I am listing the Shahnaz Hussain Tips For Glowing Skin | Beauty Tips!

  1. Yogurt and Turmeric:

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of yogurt with a pinch of turmeric powder.
  • Stir together to remove all lumps
  • Now apply it on your face
  • Let it stay for 15 minutes
  • Do this every day

How this helps:

This mix will help remove tan and keep your skin fresh, soft and healthy because turmeric is a miracle spice and lactic acid in yogurt behaves like a bleaching agent.

Shahnaz Hussain Tips For Glowing Skin | Beauty Tips 7

  1. Neem and Chandan:

Make a face pack of Chandan by either using freshly ground Chandan stick or using powdered Chandan from the market

  • Apply this on your face
  • Leave on for 12 minutes
  • Wash it off with a solution of soaked and strained neem leaves

How it helps:

When done regularly, this will help you fight pimples. Neem is considered as one of the oldest and most powerful anti-bacterial agents. This will also give you a clear and blemish free complexion.

  1. Lemon:

  • Mix lemon juice, cucumber juice and milk in a 2:2:1 ratio
  • Apply this on your face
  • Leave on for about 10 to 15 minutes

How it helps:

This solution will help to brighten up the complexion of lemon, milk and cucumber juice have bleaching properties. Don’t apply lemon directly on your face since this will spoil the ph balance of your skin.

Shahnaz Hussain Tips For Glowing Skin Beauty Tips 2

  1. For Black Heads:

  • Make a mixture of rice flour and sour curd
  • Apply this scrub all over your face
  • The grainy texture will help remove the blackheads as well as whiteheads.
  • It helps treat whiteheads also.

How it helps:

This is a great homemade way to get beautiful skin that is free of impurities because the gritty particles in rice will help buff away dead skin and curd has lactic acid that helps clear the blackheads and whiteheads.

  1. For Blemishes:

  • Mix some lemon juice, milk, and cucumber in the ratio of 1:2:1 respectively
  • Now apply this on your face using a cotton ball.

How it helps:

This is a good way to clear your face of any blemishes because all the three ingredients are natural bleaching agents.

Shahnaz Hussain Tips For Glowing Skin Beauty Tips 5

  1. Dry Skin Cleansing:

Mix 10 drops of sunflower oil and three drops of raw milk

Clean your face with this mix using a cotton ball.

This is a great homemade cleansing treatment for those people who have dry skin.

How it helps:

The above is useful for cleaning the dry skin of any impurities and dirt.

  1. Tan removal:

  • Make a mixture of 1 egg white, 1 tbsp lemon juice, and 1 tbsp honey
  • Apply this on your face.
  • Wash it off after 15 minutes.

How it helps:

This is an effective way to reduce tanning, blemishes, and sunburn because egg and lemon are natural bleaching agents and honey has anti-bacterial properties.

Shahnaz Hussain Tips For Glowing Skin Beauty Tips 4

  1. For Oily skin:

  • Mix 2 tbsp tomato juice with curd. Apply it and leave on for some time
  • Wash off after 15 minutes.
  • This can be used on the face on a daily basis.

How it helps:

It helps remove excess oiliness from the face and gets rid of blemishes.

Shahnaz Hussain Tips For Glowing Skin Beauty Tips 1

  1. For Dark patches:

  • Mix 1 part honey with 2 parts lemon juice
  • Apply this all over the face
  • Leave it on for about 15 minutes.
  • Wash off

How it helps:

This mix will help remove dark patches and blemishes from the skin.

  1. For Dark circles:

To remove eye patches or dark circles, massage sweet almond oil with your ring finger slowly in round movements daily.

Shahnaz Hussain Tips For Glowing Skin Beauty Tips 3

  1. For Skin Whitening:

  • Make a face pack using oatmeal, yogurt, honey, and ground almonds i.e. sweet almond powder.
  • Apply this on the face and let it sit for some time.
  • Wash off.
  • This face pack is good for those with normal to oily skin

How it helps:

Oatmeal is a natural scrub and is not harsh. Yoghurt is a bleaching agent and honey has antibacterial properties. Almonds are antioxidants and the oils in almonds help nourish and brighten the skin.

  1. For Normal to dry skin:

  • Make a face pack using wheat bran powder and one tbsp each of orange juice, curd, honey and olive oil
  • Apply this on the face.
  • Leave on for some time till it dries up
  • Wash off

How it helps:

It helps clean skin and gives you a clear glowing complexion because of the vitamin c present in orange.

Try these remedies and tell us which one suited you. Also, the best part is that there is no harm in using these products since these are all natural ingredients and will have no chemicals.

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Sone February 20, 2018 - 5:56 PM

Excellent article Smriti!! :haanji :good:

Smriti February 21, 2018 - 9:47 AM

Thank you so much mam :balleballe :balleballe

Sreeparna Ganguly February 21, 2018 - 1:42 PM

Loveed your tips :love :rose:
I will be trying the neem + chandan and yogurt + turmeric tip..

Smriti February 21, 2018 - 1:49 PM

Thank you so much Sreeparna. That is one of my personal favourites too.
