The Other End of The Line

by Sone
4 minutes read

Hello, friends! How is life treating you? It’s sunny outside and I am yoyoing between silly happiness and that sad little tug.The timing is perfect for this article 🙂

Today I will be talking about relationships. That one singular factor that affects everyone …I guess the most of us at least. Unless of course, you really are a loner and wouldn’t care less. But even the loneliest of wolves, needs someone to connect to, isn’t it?


The reason why we need relationships in our life is simple. It is to plan and plot against the world, why else 😉  😛

Thaaaat…and to share your successes, deal with your fears…just talk your heart out and simply be.This is why most of us, give such deep importance to relationships!


The Other End of The Line ! A Must Have Perspective


Today, relationship, I will not discuss what makes a relationship not work. All those things that you should not do, if the relationship, with ANYONE to work.

I will instead talk about the single, most important factor for ANY relationship to work 🙂


Any guesses?

Well, here goes!


Put yourself in the other person’s shoes!

I know, its such a cliche right? We all have heard about it..we all know it, but tell me seriously; how many of you ACTUALLY apply it?


I promise to you, that I am giving you one BIG secret of happiness today.

Try and see any situation from the other person’s perspective, where you were at fault there. YOU yes you…not the other person, not the other parties ; but you. There is ALWAYS something that you could have done better, no matter what the situation.


Now I am adding a disclaimer here. I am not talking about diabolical selfish leeches, who didn’t care about you ever.I am talking about the people in your life, helping who care about you, genuinely.Or as you might think now, did care about you at some point in time in your life.You ONLY care about people who matter to you. Caring doesn’t mean superficial mollycoddling. It means, that deep concern and you out when you needed help, that helping out ,wh en you didn’t know you needed help.


So if, you have any anger, any issue any resentment about people ; whom you genuinely care for, or who care for you. If  you have any grievances.


Take a pause and think:


What has your contribution to the situation been? Did you actually stop to think what the other person is going through?

Did you really understand that person’s need ? Or you were swimming in that metaphorical shallow pool of your perceived reality?


The Other End of The Line ! A Must Have Perspective 1

Image Credit :servingjoy


You are not majorly at fault there.We all live our lives on the surface. Most of us do. We get caught up in the dramas of life…that we never actually pause and relish each experience . Put simply, my favorite word : our autopilot mode.

Switch that autopilot mode off and think where YOU went wrong.


This will serve four purposes :

a. You will see the other person’s perspective. In seeing that, you will forgive the person a little bit.It will drain away you anger.

Getting rid of the anger is the first step to fixing anything in life.

b. Once you are rid of the anger, you have a choice to make. Do you wish to fix things? If you do…do a double check. Throw ALL of the anger out of the window. It will only hamper you. You need an open mind and a clear head.

c. Get your priorities straight and plan and plot to fix things 😛 😛  ( Its fun to make nice things sound diabolical;) )

d. You will feel so much happier and in control of your life!! Learn your lesson well and never make the same mistake again.


The Other End of The Line ! A Must Have Perspective 3

Image Credit :animeflipside


The long and short of it is this.


If you want to fix any relationship. You HAVE to see your fault.

You have to get rid of the anger. You have to be kind…and you have to be mindful and caring, about the other person’s needs.


Sometimes, everything is not about you! :*




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v.sravanti May 17, 2017 - 4:48 PM

You have broadcasted a nice thought ma’am! Infact, people belonging to this generation are ready to leave people but not their ego! So one thing I can share with all readers who are going to read this article is that, when I get angry over something, I stay silent and go through all pictures I have clicked with that person. This helped me a lot to decrease my anger. :love

Sone May 17, 2017 - 5:27 PM

Thats super smart Sravanti! <3

v.sravanti May 17, 2017 - 5:31 PM

thanks ma’am!

Mallika May 17, 2017 - 6:46 PM

even if we did this half of the time in any relationship , life would have been so so much better ..
all that energy can be put to making love instead of fighting and making hate 🙂
This is it i guess – The Secret To Togetherness

Mallika May 17, 2017 - 6:47 PM

beautifully captured and penned down all together <3 :love
