Tone Thighs Fast – Two Weeks!

by GlossyPolish Team
5 minutes read

Tone Thighs Fast – Two Weeks: Thighs are a very important part of our body. It is very difficult to tone them even if you have a perfect body. Most of us have jobs and don’t have time to workout or going to the gym make us feel very heavy- these are just excuses for not getting a toned body. We can’t change our bone structure but we can gradually reshape our muscles so that we look attractive in our outfits. These exercises can be done at home. Here are some exercises that will help you to get toned thighs just like your favorite diva.

Tone Your Thighs in Two Weeks 6

Image Credit: Baxter Basics

Sumo Squats

How to do it:

Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart and toes facing outward. Hold a dumbbell in each of your hands in front of your hips. Then lower your butt to the depth of your knees (thighs parallel to the floor). Keep your chest up and knees down. Bring the dumbbells down to the floor between your legs. Stand back to your original position. Do three sets of fifteen.

Tone Your Thighs in Two Weeks 5

Image Credit : Popsugar


This exercise is a lower body strength exercise. It emphasizes on inner thigh muscles and tones them. This exercise targets the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. It improves the posture of the body and increases flexibility and hip mobility.

Side Lunges

How to do it:

Stand with your feet and knees together holding dumbbells in each hand on your hips. Move your right foot on right side and lunge towards the floor. Your right knee shouldn’t extend past the toes and left leg should be straight. Push off your right foot to return back to

Stand with your feet and knees together holding dumbbells in each hand on your hips. Move your right foot on right side and lunge towards the floor. Your right knee shouldn’t extend past the toes and left leg should be straight. Push off your right foot to return back to the same position. Follow the same process with left leg. Do three sets of 10 each side.

Tone Your Thighs in Two Weeks 2

Image Credit : Tribesports


This exercise works on the side of the pelvis as well as tone inner thighs. It strengthens the lower body and targets quads, hamstrings, and glutes. It activates all the muscles in your body.

Elbow Plank with Leg Lift

How to do it: 

Place your right elbow on the ground and extend both the legs out so that your body is in

Place your right elbow on the ground and extend both the legs out so that your body is in a straight line. You are balancing yourself on the outside edge of your right foot. Rest your left hand on your upper hip. Keep your spine straight and lift your left leg up as much as you can. The leg should be lifted higher than the hip. Then slowly bring back to the starting position. Keep your waist lifted and don’t sink. Do three sets of 15 repetitions on each side.

Tone Your Thighs in Two Weeks 4

Image Credit: Healthadvocate


Adding a leg lift keeping the pelvis high as you lift your leg to reach the inner, thigh tones them and challenges the core. It tightens the tummy and also helpful in back pain.

Pilates Inner Thigh Leg Lifts

How to do it: 

Lie on your side and lengthen your bottom leg. Cross your top leg over it. Rest either your knee or foot on the floor. Rest your head on your arm. While exhaling, lift your bottom leg up and while inhaling lower it back. Your torso should stay still while you do this. Do 10 repetitions on one side and then repeat for other.

Tone Your Thighs in Two Weeks 1

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It is an amazing thigh toning exercise which can be easily done at home. It tightens the trouble spots and gives you beautiful and tones thighs.

Leg Raises or Circles

How to do it: 

Lie back on a mat with your hands placed by your side and palms facing down. Begin by raising your left leg as if reaching to the ceiling and hold it for a few seconds. After that bring the leg back to the starting position and try with right leg.

Lie in the same position as told above and raise your left leg as your toe is pointing to the ceiling. Rotate your leg slightly outward. Now trace a circle pointing towards the ceiling moving your whole leg. Don’t lift your hip above the floor. Trace the circle 5 times clockwise and then anti-clockwise. Switch legs and repeat 10 times.

Tone Your Thighs in Two Weeks 3

Image Credit :Pinterest


This exercise is great for your thighs, legs, and butt. It makes you flexible and helps in making a balance. It strengthens the core muscles of thighs and tones them. Sure you’ll experience some cramps for 2 days but I’ll fade away soon.

Squat Jumps

How to do it:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down by bending your knees to 90 degrees. Keep your back straight and your eyes straight ahead. Touch the ground with your fingers. The lower you get the better. Don’t let your knees come in front of your feet. Jump up straight and keep your core centered. Do three sets of ten each?

Tone Your Thighs in Two Weeks

Image Credit : Popsugar


This exercise appears to be easy and a good one to tone your thighs and butt. It targets your thighs and helps to reduce the fat first. After the fat is burned the muscles tightens and tones up well.

These are beneficial and will help you get tone thighs. Do these exercises 5 times a week and start increasing the no. of steps after every few days. If you don’t have dumbbells, then don’t worry. You can use water bottles instead of them. If you are not comfortable carrying any equipment then just don’t use them. You’ll experience some cramps in your thighs but eventually fade away after 3-4 days. Eat light food and drink lots of water which will keep you hydrated and fresh.

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1 comment

Smriti June 2, 2017 - 10:14 PM

My legs hurt..!! Awesome
