VRIKSHASANA: THE TREE ASANA We Indians have always enjoyed the enriching culture of our diversity and in this Yoga proved to be the biggest boon for the health of mankind. This postural science has a lot to give and proved beneficial to our body.
Vrikshasana as the word itself suggests the meaning, the posture of the tree.
This posture talks about the stance of the tree maintaining the body balance and steadiness like a tree improving the blood circulation.
Vrikshasana is considered to be the best posture of beginners because it includes concentration which helps to maintain our body in a certain posture and slowly it will help to make the body capable of doing posture which includes more flexibility.
When is the appropriate time to perform VRIKSHANA?
- On an empty stomach: Make sure whenever you do this exercise, you do it on an empty stomach
- Preferably 3 hours after the meal: It takes generally 3-4 hours for your food to get digested so it would be preferable if you do after a certain time.
- Warm-up: A good warm-up session is needed which will help you to give a good stretch.
- Time of the day: Morning time is better.
How to do Vrikshasana?
- Stand straight and bend your knee.
- Keeping the Right foot on your thighs, take a deep breath.
- The sole of the foot is placed firmly on the inner side of the thigh.
- Move your arms up touching to the ears and joining the palms.
- Now that you are firm in your position try to maintain a steady posture by focusing all your attention straight in
- Gently bring down your hands from the sides.
- You may side release the right leg.
- Relax and stand normally and take a deep breath. Repeat the pose with the left side.
Benefits of Vrikshasana:
- Balance and equilibrium.
- Improvement in concentration.
- Posture in concentration.
- Improves balance and make hips flexible.
- Suffering from sciatica.
The Contradiction of Vrikshasana:
- High blood pressure and low blood pressure can cause an issue because of the arm raising causing giddiness.
- People suffering from migraine may land up into a headache.
- In these two conditions, it might be difficult for you to practice.
More Asanas?
- Sukhasana – All You Need to Know!
- Halasana Benefits – All You Need to Know!
- Yoga for Hips !!
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- Combat Stress with these 5 Easy-Peasy Yoga Poses!!
So muchhh effective ??? nice , will try this ???loved your article khushbu ❤️
I have migraine… better to skip this…
The article is informative and answers every question regarding this pose..??
its tough man… needs good balancing