What are good Yoga Poses for Back Pain ?

by Diksha S
4 minutes read

What are good Yoga Poses for Back Pain? Back pain can happen due to a number of reasons and it is also one of the most common problems faced by a large section of the population. One of the most common ways to tackle this problem is through the regular practice of yoga. For many generations, yoga has been one of the most effective and the most recommended ways to combat back pain. Recent scientific literature also supports this fact. Let’s take a look at the few yoga poses you could try to get rid of your back pain.

1) Cat and cow pose:

This is actually a combination of two different poses: Marjariasana and Bitilasana.

Cat and cow pose

Image Credit : LoveThisPic

How to do this:

1) Get on your fours keeping your hands under your shoulder and with your knees inner hip distance apart.

2) Arch your back as you inhale. Lift your tailbone and raise your gaze upwards. This is the cow pose.

3)As you exhale hollow your belly by rounding your back. Bring your gaze downwards. This is the cat pose.

4) Try to focus on the points you fe tension in and try to relieve them.

5) Repeat this sequence for a minimum of 30 seconds.

2) Bird-dog pose:

2) Bird-dog pose:

Image Credit:verywellfit

This is a great pose to strengthen your abdominal muscles without strenuous exercise.

How to do this :

1)Start on your fours.

2) Raise your right arm forward, to the level of your shoulder. Keep in mind to keep your fingertips facing forward.

3)Next, try to raise your left leg to your hip level, engaging your core as much as possible.

4)Keep your feet flexed and facing downward and keep your hips level.

5) After holding the pose for a few seconds get back on your fours.

6) Then repeat the sequence but this time start with your left arm and raise your right leg.

3) Child’s Pose:

This is often referred to as the resting pose. It helps stretch the muscles of the lower back and hips.

Child’s Pose:

Image Credit :verywellfit

How to do it?
  1. Come back to a neutral position after the previous pose.
  2. Get on your fours and untuck your toes.
  3. Take a long breath.
  4. As you exhale move your hips back towards your heels.
  5. Sit with your hips touching your heels.
  6. You may spread your knees a little bit to have your hips stretch more.
  7. Spread your hands in front of you and stretch your hands to move further forward.
  8. Stay in this position. Focus on your breathing and on releasing the tension in your muscles.

4) Downward-facing dog:

This position will help stretch and strengthen your hamstrings, core, and back. All of these muscles can contribute to back pain if they are weak.

Downward-facing dog:

Image Credit : verywellfit

How to do this?
  1. Get to the neutral position on your fours.
  2. From here keeping your hands and legs fixed, push your hips up in the air.
  3. If you feel your legs can not stretch this much then pump your legs one at a time. Keep one leg slightly bent while you stretch the other all the way to the floor. You can also keep your hands on blocks instead of keeping them on the floor directly.

5) Pigeon pose:

This is a hip-opener pose. It helps stretch the hip flexors which in turn helps the pelvis remain in a neutral position preventing the worsening of back pain.

Pigeon pose:

Image Credit : Gaia

How to do this?
  1. From the downward-facing dog crunch your right leg onto your chest. Bringing it up towards the front of your mat keeping it as parallel to the mat as possible.
  2. Your knee should be near your right hand and your foot should be by your left hand.
  3. You can also fold forward over your crunched leg to get better stretching of your hip muscles.
  4. Go back to the downward dog pose and try crunching the other leg in the same manner

6) Seated twist:

This pose is exceptionally good to release the tension and stress in your spine and back.

Seated twist:

Image Credit: Yoga – LoveToKnow

How to do this?
  1. From the pigeon position, swing the stretched leg from the back to in front of you. Crossing it over the crunched leg (which was still on the same position as before).
  2. Ground the foot of your stretched leg completely and focus on sitting tall.
  3. Place the hand on the side of your crunched leg on the outer side of your stretched leg.
  4. Then slowly rotate to the side where you kept your hand(towards the stretched leg).
  5. Exhale and try to twist more. You may use your other hand for support.
  6. Repeat on the other side.

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