Try Yoga for Thyroid , It works!

by Paneeni Sharma
2 minutes read

Yoga for Thyroid: Thyroid gland is an extremely important organ which is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones. These hormones help in maintaining the metabolism of the body. Any disorder including hyperactivity or underactivity of butterfly-shaped gland located in front of the neck is known as thyroid disorders. This mainly includes hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism may range from fatigue, weight loss, night sweats, diarrhea to palpitations. Whereas, symptoms of hypothyroidism may range from weight gain, sensitivity to cold, constipation, high cholesterol, slow heart rate to depression.

Medication plays an important role in the treatment of thyroid disorders but it is seen that regular yoga can also help in treating and preventing thyroid disorders.

Yoga for Thyroid

Here are few yoga asanas that might help you in fighting your battle with a thyroid disorder.

Bridge Pose (Setubandhasana)

Step 1: Lie down on your back. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground. Keep both the feet apart at some distance. Step 2: Keep your arms close to your body. Your palms should be facing the ground with your fingertips lightly touching the heels.

Step 3: Now press your feet against the floor while lifting your pelvis.

Step 4: Then press your shoulders and arms against the ground while lifting your upper torso.

Step 5: Stay in this position for 10 – 20 seconds and repeat it 10 – 20 times a day.

Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

Step 1: Lie down on your yoga mat with limbs completely extended and your back touching the ground.

Step 2: Now lift your hips a little off the floor.

Step 3: Now slide your hands below your buttocks with palms facing down.

Step 4: Now you can rest your buttocks on your hands. Keep your forearms and elbows close to your torso.

Step 5: Now press your arms and forearms tightly against the floor.

Step 6: Start lifting your upper torso and head from the floor.

Step 7: After that slowly drop your head in the air towards the floor.

Step 8: Now slowly and steadily try to rest your head on the floor.

Step 9: Stay in this position for 10 – 20 seconds and repeat it 10 – 20 times a day.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Step 1: Lie down on your yoga mat with your chest, stomach and your lower limbs completely touching the ground.

Step 2: Fold your arms at the level of your elbows while keeping your palms right under your shoulder touching the ground.

Step 3: Now start pushing your palms while raising your chest and neck.

Step 4: Completely straighten your arms. Now slowly extend your neck towards your back.

Step 5: Keep your abdominal muscles tight and engaged while pushing your palms and toes against the ground simultaneously.

Step 6: Stay in this position for 10 – 20 seconds and repeat it 10 – 20 times a day.



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