MAC Eyeliner | Petrol Blue | Review | Swatches

by V Sravanti
4 minutes read

Hey, girls! Time to get excited! Today MAC Eyeliner | Petrol Blue is the subject of my review.Eyeliners have always been successful in enhancing the beauty of your eyes. Makes people with bigger eyes look pretty, and with smaller ones, bigger and pretty too. For the one who loves makeup and spends a lot of time getting ready, each and every item used in their vanity case should be put to use wisely.

Blacks and whites are used generally, but the one Petrol Blue color MAC is selling, is very unique.  There is not a single brand which manufactures the same color eye liner. Petrol blue color, as the name suggests, reflects the real petrol color. If you have noticed the color of petrol when the person at the petrol station is filling into your vehicle tank, then you will also see the same color the product shows.

MAC Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner Petrol Blue 8

MAC Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner Petrol Blue 4

Basic Information about MAC Eyeliner | Petrol Blue

MAC Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner Petrol Blue 5

How to use-

The product comes in a nice thin, long cardboard package. Unpack the liner from the box. Open the cap and start applying! Initially, the pencil comes little pointed but as you apply and apply, you need to sharpen it so that its edges don’t hurt you.

MAC Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner Petrol Blue 1

Composition- The nature of the liner is a glittery blue pencil. It is not a twister. It needs to be sharpened from time to time to get a thin line above your eye. And because this product is shimmer, it doesn’t spread all over your face.

MAC Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner Petrol Blue 6

Weight- 1.2 grams.

Price- The price of the product is Rs. 1300/-. Remember that nothing is more important than your beauty. Just kidding! You will afford this if you love yourself and like doing show-off. MAC’s products have been expensive and this is also not cheap.

My Experience with MAC Eyeliner | Petrol Blue

MAC Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner Petrol Blue

What the product is-

  1. A general use eyeliner- to be honest, I haven’t tried to use it as a Kajal.
  2. The liner is a pencil and not a twister.
  3. It carries a light shimmer but is not too much sparkly.
  4. Goes perfectly with any copper or light brown eyeshadow.
  5. It looks almost like a gemstone.

Why I Prefer It and Advice It to Be Used-

I prefer using pencils because the twister crayon semi-hard gel breaks if not used properly. Pencils are always safer to use when your product is expensive. You can share it even if it gets blunt.

MAC Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner Petrol Blue 9

I’m not kidding but this liner looks lovely when your skin is tanned. It has an awesome pigmentation and it stays on all day and all night. I sincerely advise all of you not to think that this blue, offered by MAC and the one that was released in LAKME are the same. I have used both the products and found this as a unique and special color.

Overall Performance of MAC Eyeliner | Petrol Blue

Petrol Blue is a dark navy eyeliner with light blue shimmer. It’s beautiful and a wonderful alternative to black. If you frequently use eyeliner, better purchase two of these because it won’t last you a year.

One more thing is that unlike many products give a fake promise of being waterproof; this product is more than being waterproof. Traces of it still remain on your eyelid even after you wash your face with a scrub, gel, foam or soap. Its shimmer particles stay for a longer time even after two washes. I haven’t tried using the make-up remover to fade the liner color away; you give it a try if you possess one.

MAC Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner Petrol Blue 7

Would I Recommend?

Yes of course!

If you are on the conservative side of the make-up, then you HAVE TO PURCHASE this product. Make sure you pick up a sharpener from MAC as well. General sharpeners work less effectively and MAC sharpener best suits this pencil. MAC Pearlglide intense eyeliners really worth a try!

As I have already mentioned before, avoid buying MAC products online. They cost you a lot more than the same ones which you buy at the MAC store.

More MAC Eyeliner?

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Smriti February 16, 2018 - 2:00 PM

i love that shade .. pretty. nice review.

Prachi singh February 16, 2018 - 4:13 PM

This is so wearable shade pin summers and also i can intensify my shadow with it.. Getting this one in summers. The shade looks ks amazing on u ♥️

Juhi Sharma February 16, 2018 - 4:30 PM

very Poppy blue shade, will make my eyes rock with makeup, surely gonna try :balleballe :love

Sreeparna Ganguly February 16, 2018 - 5:14 PM

I get a bit greedy when I see a nice blue pencil liner.. This one is truly unique :love :love :rose:
