Loop in Shirt: Hello, everyone!I would like to draw your attention to the seen yet unnoticed, the present nonexistent, the interesting yet never talked about- The loop at the back of our shirts.
How surprisingly ignorant we all are of minute details present in our day to day lives! This realization dawned on me when I realized that most of the shirts in my wardrobe were having a small loop at the back to which I had always been turning a blind eye.
It is located at the upper back of the shirt just below the yoke in the center.It is placed at the top of the cut which helps to provide a better fitting to the shirt and also serves as an impressive design on the top end of the cut. Its inception dates back to when the east coast sailors used them as a means of hanging their shirts on a straight wire while changing and in no time they were out
Its inception dates back to when the east coast sailors used them as a means of hanging their shirts on a straight wire while changing and in no time they were out as a regular fashion design which is still prevalent in the modern times.From being hanged on wires, they began to be extensively used in locker rooms on a hook and was a fashion designer of high utility. But like most fashion designs in vogue like sagging
But like most fashion designs in vogue like sagging jeans, most of us don’t really know why they exist or what purpose they solve.
Back in the day, these loops were of great use to hang the shirts without letting them get crumpled with the absence of hangers, cupboards and wardrobes.

Image Credit :LifeBuzz
Also, with the GANT manufacturing such designs, they became popular among the students of the IVY league Universities and these loops grew in significance with the Ivy League Dating Culture recognising them as a means for a lady to show her interest in a man or a man to show his relationship status by wearing a torn loop. The lady would rip apart the loop of the man she would find attractive and they could begin dating thereafter. The loops were known as ‘fruit loops’ during that period and were a popular trend amongst youngsters.

Image Credit : MagZian
Now even though these loops have almost lost their significance , they can still be seen today in our shirts and can always be used for the purpose of hanging shirts on a hook or even a nail and keeping them wrinkle free and you never know, people like me who find it appealing might bring back the ‘fruit loop’ back in the dating culture which is now heavily dominated by virtual interactions.