Kalonji Oil Benefits

by Mallika Dharmani
4 minutes read

Kalonji Oil Benefits: Hey guys I hope you are doing well and in great health. Today I’m doing a little different article which is supposed to focus on our inner health and over all body functioning.Diseases are increasing by the day and our lifestyle contributes more to it. The other day I was at the hospital and I heard someone make a remark- you’ll find more medicine in homes nowadays than food stuff.

Sadly this is the modern world’s bitter truth.Seeing the conditions ,it is important to focus not only on our beauty or hair but mainly on our health.If you have poor health you can’t expect to have gorgeous hair or skin. Whatever you eat simply shows on your skin.

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Image credit : bbcgoodfood

Today’s article is dedicated to these magic seeds – black seeds commonly known as Kalonji/Nigella (in India) or nigella seeds. These seeds have been called the cure of everrrrrry single ailment except death!If you are one of the lucky ones who enjoy perfect health then consume these seeds to get perfect skin and hair. I’m just focusing on a few common ailments below because I cannot possibly write all the benefits of Kalonji/Nigella. There is not one ailment that these seeds or its oil can’t cure.

# Dental problems

Rub a bit of Kalonji/Nigella oil on your teeth and gums if you have bad breath, tooth decay, bleeding gums, swollen gums or any other dental problems.

# Headaches

If you frequently have headaches (like me) rub a bit of Kalonji/Nigella oil on your temple area and near your ears.

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Image credit : inlifehealthcare

# Acne

 If you have pimples then dab a little amount of Kalonji/Nigella oil on your acne areas at night before sleeping…Keep doing this for a month you will see your acne disappear.

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Image credit : naturallifenergy

# Joint pains

 If you suffer from joint pain or arthritis apply a little oil on your joints two times a day and notice significant relief.

# Jaundice or liver Diseases

 Liver disease can be life threatening if not taken care of. To avoid them or cure they consume a small spoonful of Kalonji/Nigella two times a day. You can even eat a spoonful of seeds two times a day but remember to chew it nicely.

benefits of Nigella seeds kalonji

Image credit :belight1

# Cracked Heels

 Ugly cracked feet are a total turn off .rub some oil onto those cracks to make them vanish.

# Diabetes

 If you want to avoid diabetes or control it consume two times a day Kalonji/Nigella seeds or drink up a small spoon of its oil.

# Hair

 If you have dull lifeless hair start consuming Kalonji/Nigella or apply its oil on your hair. You will see the shine grow!!

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Image credit : shop.khanapakana


To have flawless skin apply a small amount to your skin and rub till absorbed

# Cancer

 Cancer is the most deadly banes of the modern era. Avoid cancer by consuming a spoon of Kalonji/Nigella oil daily.

 Phew! I’m already tired and this will end up being a really long article if I keep listing the benefits.

I will just be short and precise- JUST EAT A SPOONFUL OF KALONJI/NIGELLA DAILY! No matter how perfect your health is. If you consume this daily no harm will come to you in the long run. If you are a mother give it to your child it will help sharpen his mind too.

If you are suffering from any ailment ANY! Just take a spoonful of these seeds two times a day and I assure you whatever it is that you have this are helpful in curing that considerably or even completely. Excellent for fibroids in women and also useful for gall stones.


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1 comment

Sone August 15, 2017 - 11:17 AM

Acha I have started this from today, lets see B-) Taste is not good though :mail:
