How To Straighten Hair Without Heat ?

by Deepsikha Majumdar
3 minutes read

How To Straighten Hair Without Heat: Hello There!I have always had wavy hair. So at one point, I decided that I needed a change. That is when I decide to try out having straight hair. But I didn’t want to use heat to straighten it because sometimes it ends up damaging the hair. I was always more inclined towards natural remedies. So I did some research and found out some effective home remedies to straighten my hair!And today I’ll be sharing the 3 best home remedies for straight hair with you so that all those of you who want to avoid heating your hair, can try this out without stepping out of your house or spending any extra money!

Get Straight Hair without Using Heat

Remedy 1 – Curd, Banana, Olive Oil and Honey

This is one of the most effective packs to straighten your hair. This was the pack that I used the first time I wanted to acquire straight hair. And this pack has ingredients that you’ll find in your own kitchen!

All you need is a bit of curd, some over-ripe bananas, a bottle of olive oil and a cup of honey!


How is it done?
  1. Take a bowl and mash 2 over-ripe bananas into it.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of Olive oil into it and stir well.
  3. Then add 2 tablespoons of curd and keep stirring until it is completely mixed.
  4. Finally, add 2 tablespoons of honey into the thick solution and mix well.
  5. Apply this mask on your hair thoroughly.
  6. Put on a shower cap and leave it for almost half an hour.
  7. After that, rinse it off.

But don’t use the mask every day. Twice a week is enough. Though it takes a bit of time to give you results, the result lasts long. Also, your hair remains healthy and there is no damage.

Remedy 2 – Olive Oil and Eggs

Another effective pack I used to straighten my hair was made of Olive oil and egg. Eggs provide nutrition to your hair along with helping in keeping it straight.


How is it done?
  1. Take to eggs and break them into a bowl.
  2. Pour about 2 spoons of olive oil into the same bowl and mix it thoroughly with the eggs.
  3. Apply it on your scalp and leave it for about an hour
  4. Then wash it off thoroughly.

This pack gives quicker results than the previous one and makes your hair smooth and soft as well!

Remedy 3 – Wrap Your Hair around Your Head

There are times when we do not get the time to concoct these packs and need a quicker and easier solution or have run out of the ingredients to make these packs. So here’s a remedy that does not need any packs. For this one, all you need are bobby pins!


How is it done?
  1. Before going to bed, comb your hair thoroughly and make sure that there are absolutely no tangles
  2. Then comb your hair to one side.
  3. Divide your hair into small sections.
  4. Take those small sections and wrap it around your head with bobby pins.
  5. Once all your hair is secured on the other side, go to sleep.
  6. Once you wake up in the morning and remove the bobby pins, you can say hello to your straight frizz free hair!

Amazing right?

Well, now you know that you can say no to heat when thinking of straightening your hair!

So try these interesting remedies and get straight frizz free hair in a jiffy without using any heat!

More Hair Hacks?
  1. 5 Easy Hairstyles for College !
  2. The Perfect Haircut for Every Face Shape
  3. Natural Remedies that can treat Damaged Hair

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Nikhita Ferreira October 11, 2017 - 10:17 PM

Had no clue about this

Deepsikha October 11, 2017 - 10:51 PM

Now that you know it, do try it out! :good:

Sreeparna Ganguly October 12, 2017 - 10:47 AM

I have I would like to try the 1st method. Let’s see how it works for my wavy-curly hair.
Great post as always Deepsikha :good: :love

Deepsikha October 12, 2017 - 11:08 AM

Let me know if it worked! And Thank you Sreeparna! :love

Mallika October 12, 2017 - 9:30 PM

Wel i had curls once upon a time. I wish i had found this then ! A great piece of info btw

Deepsikha October 13, 2017 - 8:32 AM

Thanks Mallika!

Gargi Niyogi October 23, 2017 - 12:19 PM

Very useful info 🙂

Deepsikha October 24, 2017 - 8:51 AM

Thank you! :love

Ayus February 21, 2018 - 7:47 PM

:confused can boys try this method too??

Sone February 21, 2018 - 8:49 PM


Sakshi March 13, 2018 - 12:16 AM

Is this idea is really gone to work
:unsure: :unsure:

Sone March 13, 2018 - 9:57 AM

yes to an extent it really works !

Rohit March 18, 2018 - 2:19 PM

method no. 2 really works or not?

Smriti March 27, 2018 - 1:33 PM

works. i do use olive oil and eggs to moisturize my hair and to an extent, makes them straight..loved this article Deepsikha..
